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» Ancient cartographic atlases

Ancient cartographic atlases

Geographical Atlas of Ptolemy, published in 1480

Atlas of the World of 1570 by Abraham Ortelius

Cartographic atlas of Gerardus Mercator 1595 (PDF 363.552 MB)

Navigational atlas of 1630 (PDF 217.953 MB)

Drawing book of Siberia 1701, compiled in 1699-1700. S. U. Remezov and his sons. Beginning XVIII century from the collection of Count Rumyantsev (PDF 79.2 MB)

World Atlas 1719

Atlas of the Russian Empire by I.K.Kirilov 1722-1737 (PDF 108 MB)

Atlas of the Russian Empire 1745 (PDF 127 MB)

Atlas of the Russian Empire 1792 Consisting of 46 cards,: Published in the city of St. Peter of 1792 (PDF 10 MB)

Atlas of the Russian Empire 1796. : Consisting of 52 cards,: Published in the city of St. Peter in the summer of 1796, the reign of Catherine II (PDF 54 MB)

Atlas of the Smolensk province 1799 (PDF 150 MB)

Atlas of Russian Provinces 1807 (PDF 28 MB)

Pocket postal atlas of the entire Russian Empire, divided into provinces with an indication of all postal roads in 1808. (PDF 65 MB)

100-sheet detailed map of the Russian Empire and nearby foreign possessions in 1816. (PDF 394 MB)

Atlas for the journey to Turkmenistan and Khiva of the Guards General Staff of Captain Nikolai Muravyov 1822 (PDF 14 MB)

Astronomical Cartographic Atlas 1822 (PDF 25 MB)

Atlas to materials for statistics of the Russian Empire 1839 (PDF 51 MB)

Geographical Atlas 1853 (PDF 136 MB)

Atlas 1877 War for the Caucasus in 1855 (PDF 51 MB)

Russian Empire in 1856 - illustrated maps of provinces

Ilyin's atlas of the Russian Empire in 1871

Ilyin's atlas of the Russian Empire in 1871 (PDF 443 MB)

Educational atlas on Russian history (2nd edition) with Explanations for 3rd edition Year 1869, 1887

Detailed atlas of the Russian Empire with plans of the main cities of 1871

Atlas of battles of the 19th century, issues 1 to 20 (PDF 103 MB) 1894-1899.. The time period is from 1820 to the present. Plans of the most important battles, battles and sieges with explanatory text and general maps, with a summary of the progress of companies in Europe, Asia and America.

Historical Atlas A. Kremer 1904. (PDF 27 MB)

Atlas of Asian Russia 1914 (PDF 568 MB)

Atlas of the history of the Middle Ages 1951 (PDF 309 MB)

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