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» Simplified Egyptian hieroglyphic editor

Simplified text editor of Egyptian Hieroglyphs


The simplified text editor of Egyptian hieroglyphs allows you to type in ancient Egyptian text using the Gardiner code. Writing hieroglyphs from left to right in one line. You can use the English-ancient Egyptian dictionary and the ancient Egyptian alphabet to search for codes of the necessary hieroglyphs.
The example of writing a cartouche Cleopatra: N29-E23-M17-V4-Q3-G1-D46-D21-G1 (Kleopatra)
The example of writing a cartouche - Ptolemy: Q3-X1-V4-E23-Aa15-M17-M17-S29 (Ptolmes)
The example of writing the phrase - the Man is dancing: M17-G43-M17-D58-A32-O34-A1-Z1
M17-G43 M17-D58-A32 O34-A1-Z1
Is dancing Man

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