Sumerian Cuneiform English Dictionary MUGSAR
.. |
AB cosmic sea | AB2 cow | AL tool | DAG dwelling | E2 house | EN lord | EZEN festival | GA2 basket | HI mix; good | KA mouth / perform | LAGAB encircle | LU2 man | LUGAL king | NINDA2 price | NUNUZ egg (shape) | SAG (SAG) head | SHA3 (ŠA3) heart | SHIM beer / substance | UD sun / day | URU civilization time
A | AB | AB2| AL | AN | ASH| BA | BI | DA | DAG | DU | E |E2 | EN | EZEN | GA | GA2| GI | GIR3 | GISH | GU2 | HA| HI | HUB2 | I | IG | IM | KA | KAD | KI | KU | LA | LAGAB | LAL | LU2 | LUGAL | MA | MUSH| NA | NINDA2 | NUN | NUNUZ | PA |PI | PIRIG | RA| SA | SAG | SHA3| SHE | SHIM | TA| TAG | U | UD| UM | UR2 | URU | USH | ZA | ZUM
MUGSAR QuickFinder
*1-2*| 3-5 : B | 6-10 : B | 10-20 : B | 20+ | QF Notes | [vvv]
12038 12079 1230B 122B9 12039 1203A 120F5 12300 122D9 12357 12142 1202B 12226 1227D 12228 12047 121FA 121F2 122F0 1222B
1203C 1230D 12310 v 121B3 12366 12367 1236D 12357 12041 12000 1227A 12111 12261 122E1 122FB uQQ 1235D 121F9 1235E 1209F 1219C 12190 12191 1202D 1212C 1227C 12036 12040 v 121EC 120F0 121B0 122FE 122E5 12146 v 1227F v 120FB 122E9 1227B 1202B 12195 122D6 1224C 12155 12307 1211E v 122EB [cuneus] 122A9 121B5 1206E 12096 122AA 1236E |B*6-10*| 12016 v 121A8 1224F v [dia5] 1212D v 12312 1202A 12313 v 1226D v [VH5] 1207A 1207D 12137 12291 12225 12125 12337 v 122DD 122DB 12328 12220 v 12223 12351 v 120B7 v 12128 12197 12239 1200A v 121AF 12252 v 12123 v 1203E 121A6 12156 122D7 uQQ 1204D 12077 1222E [square5]121B8v 121E5 v 12089 121AA 120FE 12336 1213F
*6-10* | 1-2 | 3-5 | | 10-20 | 20-40 | *UP*B
1219A 122B8 122C2 uQQ 121291208A 1202B 12337 12153 12317 [dia9]12072 122AE 122D3 12227 121A0 v 1212F v 121B2 122FC 1214E v 1224E 12262 120F8 1230912334 12034 12035 1211E v 122EB 1230C 12110 120F4 12020 v 122AD 12138 12244 12108 12109 12311 122EC 12127 122E4 12085 12292 12322 1232B v 12231 122DE 122DA 12294 12295 v 12076 12252 v 1236B 121AF 12014 12260 12319 [square9] 1234F 122AC 121FB v 121C9 12306 12247 |B*1-2*| 12073 12122 12096 1206E 1236E 12216 120F2 12245 1203D 1203F 122FA 12263 v 1221B 12293 122C3 [spindle] 12116 12054 12244 12336 122C0 12361 121B0 12044 1222C 1222D 12051 1207D 12049 120FC 120B5 120FD 1228F 12074 1223E 12118 v 12262 12224 121FD v12217 v 120A1v 12248 v 1226D v [gate] 12056 v 1208D v 1218D 121A6 122D7 12229 12369 120F7 12141 121A4 1213E 12055 1231C 1236A 122E2 121F4 12107 12365 120A0 12368 12053 12100 12104 1201C 1222A 1235A
*10-20* | 1-2 | 3-5 | 6-10 | | 20-40 | *UP*B
12042 122BA v 122E7 120EE & 12083 12363 121AD 121F8 12154 121F7 12240 122D2 12301 123051230F 1222D 12246 12082 1202F 12097 v 12359 12290 12362 12232 12033 uQQ 12157 v 12086 121B7 1218F 121A5 12145 12192 12193 122DE 1221D 12358 121B2 1224E 1214E121F1 12217 12323 12104 1218D 122EA 12229 1231D v 1207E 1201D 1201E 12084 |B*1-2*| 1221C 1210A 12308 12035 120F6 122C6 v 1206F 12071 122E0 12360 122F3 12075 12335 12046 1202C 120EE & 12083 12260 12258 v 1236B 1219B 1223F 12032 121C7 v 122AA 12216 122AC 12080 121B6 12326 12088 121AC 122AB 12193 122E8 122E6 1204E v 1214B 12095 121A7 1227E 12094 12322 12070 1214D 12103 1207F
*20-40* | *UP*B
12301 122C1 122B7 122BE 122BF 12009 1223F 12029 1209E 12126 1228A v 12037 1214D 12043 12048 1219F 12274 v 1205B v 1235C 12356 12230
QFNotes Excl repetitive variants (base sign – usu on left) = v
duplicate where shapes are similar; 340 entries
square5 | square9 | diamond5 | dia9 | VH5 | gate | spindle
1-2 | 3-5 : B | 6-10 : B | 10-20 : B |20-40
4-Way | Very Common Signs| Major Lemma
MAJOR LEMMA | MUGSAR QuickFinder | How to use
MAIN LISTINGS | Enheduanna - earliest known writer was female | Wheel Invention
MUGSAR 4-WAY | Sumerians called themselves "black-headed people" | There in the tablets, "black people" are the "city-dwellers" and"rulers of Sumer" | First Professors are Black! | Oldest written love stories | Inana and the Seven Cosmic Powers of her Loincloth | Inana loves Dumuzi | Gudea Cylinders | Very Common Signs
REFERENCE & LINKS Sumerians - Kings of the Earthlings| Civilization Time | Unicode Sign closeup | PSD | Sumer Periods | ETCSL | List of determinatives | CDP - closeups of actual signs on tablets | Basics / Grammar | Proto Cuneiform Signs (cdli) | LAK (proto list)
TRUE ETYMOLOGY | Proto Language Monosyllables PLM
APPENDIX | Abbreviations / Notations | How to write on clay | Basic Cuneus | Numbers | Vowels | Pronunciation | Syllabary A-Z: Write your name in Sumerian! | Foxvog's Basics | Copula| [END]
[TOC spread]
Enheduanna – earliest known author and poet was female
Sumerians – Kings of the Earthlings
Sumerians called themselves “black-headed people”
There in the tablets, “black people” are the “city-dwellers” and”rulers of Sumer”
Inana and the Seven Cosmic Powers of her Loincloth
CDP – closeups of actual signs on tablets
Proto Language Monosyllables PLM
How to use
The Main Listings follow same order as the standard cuneiform unicode (alpha-numeric) column after column (why didn"t the powers that be just keep the codes sequentially all numeric?!). If you only have the sign try Major Lemma, then the QuickFinder Index.
First lemma (reading / syllable) after grapheme is usually the "sign name", sometimes the Sumerian name as well, as are any other readings / aliases after that. Gradually adding compounds. Cuneiform fonts have been replaced with jpg graphics because some tablets do not display them. Clearer shots of logograms will come eventually, for now use ScriptSource (click on first result for even bigger size) or Google Images (e.g. “unicode 120F6″).
And the MUGSAR is proudly, and primarily, a Sumerian dictionary of the first writers, not Akkadian, Babylonian nor Hittite ones. So we pretty much are only interested in lemma that go back to at least Ur III (8000CT / 4000ya). Nor lemma that have 0x attestations. Again there are some great lexicons around but they include a big chunk of this latter stuff, when plagiarizing the Sumerians was in full swing. And don"t even show attestations, nor you know what… it"s bad enough that there are no signs, but to think that much is not even Sterling-Sumerian, or rarely used, well.
You may notice with sign evolution, that it goes from the proto drawings to the cool Sumerian cuneiform, and then about 1000 years after them the fanastic pictures are lost through over simplification and the move to bland phonetic script. Who wants to look at that kind of dictionary. That"s why we are proudly snobs of MUGSAR!
Numeric Unicode & A-Z Lemma [914]
12000 A [vowel; 2329x] = water (plural only) | (mû) (most often complimented with MEŠ) | semen, progeny, heir; [110x] a cry of woe, bemoan, (sigh of) wonder, groan (aya) | dur5, duru5 [227x]= (to be) soft; (to be) wet, moist, damp; irrigated; fresh | { The Xxxxxx Family 12014CT}
cpds ID2, i7 [1086x] = river, canal | determinative &id2; river names a-na [566x] = what?; as much as [it takes] (math.)[~ + 1223ENA aux.] am3 = [50x]to be [copula variant cf. 12228; 12000 A progeny +1202DAN deity; True Etym. English 'am'] | šeg3(šeg3)[70x]= to (fall as) dew; to rain; rain
a-ba [326x] = who [12000 A progeny +12040 BA share]
A Variants:
uQQ a-a (aya) [561x] = father | cf. 1201C
12001 A x A; 12002 A x BAD; 12003 A x GAN2 tenu;
12004 A x HA | sa7 (Borger za3) [481x] = to disappear; to move away, withdraw; to stay away; (to be) lost; (to be) fugitive
12005 A x IGI; 12006 A x LAGAR gunu; 12007 A x MUSH; 12008 A x SAG
12009 A2, ID, TI8, IDUM= [6115x] arm /limb; labor; wing; horn; side; strength; wage; power | time | [Evol.: shoulder + arm] | cpd id-gurum(id-gur2) [2026x] = ladle | AN, a2-an [48x] = spadix (plant spike, erection)
1200A AB, IM5 | = cosmic sea, window | AB.BA = ancestor | cpd ABZU = abyss [~ + 1236A ZU know] – Sumerian mythology: the world / earth was a disc and under was the abzu [label: True Etymology] |
cpd UNU, unu6 [1511x] = banquet; dining hall; the most sacred part of a temple; seat, throne; dwelling, domicile, abode; temple
AB Variants:
1200B ~ x ASH2; 1200C ~ x DUN3 gunu; 1200D ~ x GAL | irigal [OB]; 1200E ~ x GAN2 tenu; 1200F ~ x HA; 12010 ~ x IGI gunu; 12011 ~ x IMIN (5+2=7); 12012 ~ x LAG~; 12013 ~ x SHESH
12014 AB x U + U + U | UNU, UNUG, ERI11, AB x EŠ | URU UNUG(Sumerian)= Uruk
12015 AB gunu | ab4,aba4, gun4, iri11, unu, unug| cpd URIM(Sumerian)= Ur (city) | unug,unu2 (see unu6 above 1200A)
12016 AB2 [5272x] = cow [cf. 121A8 KISIM5(with tail – sour milk)]
AB2 Variants:
12018 ~ x GAN2 tenu| šem5 [14x]= a drum
1201A ~ x SHA3 | lipiš [40x] =inner body; heart; anger, rage | šem3, ub3 [15x] = a drum
1201CAD [36x] = father [cf. uQQaya (561x)] |ad [26x] voice; cry; noise | [13x] log; plank
cpd ad-da = father [ ~ + 12055 DA line (gen.)] | True Etym. “dad”
1201D AK(ag) [3643x] = to do; to make; to act, perform; to proceed,proceeding (math.)
cpdim-ak-a-bi = revenge [1214E IM anger + 1201D AK to do
+ 12000 A bemoan + 12049 BI open]
MU-AK = do (cooking) [1222C MU name, cook + 1201D AK do]
1201E AK x ERIN2 | me3 [243x] = battle, combat
12020 AL [744x] = hoe / hoeing, pickax [tool; CVNE = compound verb nominal element]
AL Variants:
12021 ~ x ~; 12022 ~ x DIM2; 12023 ~ x GISH; 12024 ~ x HA; 12025 ~ x KAD3; 12026 ~ x KI; 12027 ~ x SHE; 12028 ~ x USH
12029 ALAN, ALAM [399x] = statue, icon, form | (GUD/GUD).NA2| cf. 1223F Nu2 lay, bed
1202A ALEPH [reconstructed (first) sign => "A" ??; cf. HI sweet/good; ox (head)]
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1202B AMAR [2771x] = young, youngster, son, descendant; calf / young bull, chick | zur | cpdamar-utu =Marduk (bull calf of the sun god utu – northern hemisphere 12 day winter solstice celebration of his birthday, later plagarized by various cultures) [ ~ + 12313 utu sun]
1202C AMAR x SHE (ŠE) = sacrifice, ritual
1202D AN, DIGIR (dingir) [1837x] = sky, god, goddess, deity, cosmic; heaven; upper; crown (of a tree) | determinative divine names &d; | plant spadix (spike) erection – see12009
1202F AN x 3 | AN/AN.AN, mul [129x] = star; to shine, radiate (light); arrow; to radiate (branches)[Tara! (also in sanskrit)] | determinative &mul; stars / planets
cpd mul-an [33x] = cosmic star [1202F MUL star + 1202D AN cosmic]
12030 AN + NAGA OPP. AN + NAGA; 12031 AN + NAGA sq
12032 ANSHE / anše= [2957x] donkey, equid (hoofed mammals) | DUR3, DUSU2 | ANŠE+NUN+NA = mule | ANŠE+KUR+RA = horse | determinative donkey/horse names &ance;
12033 APIN, GIŠapin (uru4) [741x] = (seed) plow | uru4 [359x] = sow, cultivate | LÚengar = farmer | àbsin = furrow (long shallow trench)
12034 ARAD, ÌR (ir3), níta, nita = [269x] slave, servant
12035 ARAD2 (ir11) x KUR = [3028x] slave, servant [from the hinterland / mountain tribes]
[PLM] Jaritz #668 "(male) slave". It is normally read as arad2 but it also reads ge24 for *gi24 which simply means "male"; and that the meaning "male" is derived from *gix, "penis", "phallus-like", making gi24 *gî24.
12036 ARKAB | arkab2 = [0x!] bird orbat | argab (GAR-IB)
12037 ASAL2 | asalx = [0x!] poplartree [PSD aliases: asar2 ašar2 (A.TU.GABA.LIŠ)]
12038 ASH / AŠ [191x] = 1 (“1″ one numeric) | dili [227x]= (to be) single, unique, sole; (to be) alone
12039 ASH ZIDA tenu; 1203A ASH KABA tenu
1203B ~/~ TUG2/TUG2 TUG2/TUG2 PAP
1203C ASHx3, ESH / EŠ = 3 (“3″ three numeric)
1203D ASH/~/~ +-ing ~/~/~ | KASH / kaš2(kas) = beer, alcohol [1344x] cf 12049
1203E ASH2 (út), aš2 = curse [51x]
1203F ASHGAB / AŠGAB [631x] = leather-worker
12040 BA = [839x]split; to divide into shares, share, halve, to allot; porridge; [26x]animal, marine creature; [11x]open, thresh | [19x] tool (cpd reed stylus)
[PLM]central line demarcating the gluteal cleft of the buttocks [True Etym. bum, butt-ocks], with the line extending below as a tail, to make its position on the anatomy clear cf. Inana L116[Jaritz #5]
cpd su8-ba (ES) [25x] = shepherd
ba-ni-in-dug4-ga = more violent threshing about [12040 BA threshing + 1224C NI quiver + 12154 IN = abuse, rape + 12157 dug4 / KA = perform + 120B5 GA suckling, hold]
ba-ni-in-su-ub-ba = kissing [12040 BA thresh about + 1224C NI quiver+ 12154 IN = abuse, rape + 122E2 SU submerge, flesh + 12312 UB praise, ruin]
12041 BAD, BE | [109x] (to be) remote; to open, undo | SUMUN, SUN = lú+bad = lord | munus+bad = lady | úš = death, destruction | reed stylus ?? cf. 12357 uš2 = die, kill; blood | cf. 12300 TIL
12042 BAG3 ?? = qqq [numeric ??; ba-ga ?? | pag, bag, bak, pak, HU, 12137]
12044 BAL, giš, gešbalak(gešbalak,gešbala,gešbala) [31x] = spindle cf. 121B0 NUMUN seed
cpd balbale (bal-bal-e) [34x] = literary subscript [~x2 + 1208A e speak]
12046 BALAG [154x], DUB2 = harp, large drum (instrument)
12047 BAR [2579x] = outside, (other) side; behind; outer form, outer; fleece; outsider, strange; back, shoulder; liver; because of; to set aside; to cut open, slit, split | half; LÚ+MÁŠDA = poor man | MAŠD+TAB+BA = twin cf 12226
12048 BARA2, barag = [423x] ruler, king; dais, seat;[52x] sack; a part of an animal"s body;[7x] mix
12049 BI / PI, KASH / kaš [13889x] = beer; alcoholic drink | determinative &kac; alcohol | (* True Etym. bi => beer); open [also 1203D ]
1204B ~ x GAR | bappir3 [385x] = an ingredient in beer-making
1204D BU, GID2 = [2252x] long, length | bur12(bu) = to tear[189x; verb]
1204E ~/~ AB; 1204F ~/~ UN; 12050 ~ +-ing ~
12051 BULUG [56x] =needle; stake; boundary; seal pin
12053 BUR [85x] = (food) offering, sacrifice; meal(-time); (stone) bowl; a priest | bur [67x]= a unit of area; a unit of volume | cpd burgul (BUR+GUL) = stone-cutter [55x]
12054 BUR2 = [78x] light; to glow, shine | bur2 [176x] = to release, free; to reveal; to spread out, cover
12055 DA, DAG [77x] = line (esp genealogy) | da =[479x]side, edge; vicinity | gešda(gešda) = [13x]writing board | [PLM] da side
cpd DAGGAN, da-gan2 [11x] = (sleeping) chamber [ ~ + 120F7 GAN field, area];
DA-GA_NA = lair [12055 DA lair + 120B5 GA suckling, hold + 1223E NA man, pestle, pounder]
DAG KISIM5 (121A8 sour milk [cow] + dwelling = diary farm??) Variants:
12057 ~ x A + MASH; 12058 ~ x AMAR;
1205B DAG-KISIM5 x GA | akan, ubur = female breast, nipple
1205C ~ x GA + MASH; 1205D ~ x GI; 1205E ~ xGIR2
1205F DAG-KISIM5 x GUD | utul5 = cow herd
12060 ~ x HA; 12061 ~~ x IR; 12062 ~~ x IR + LU ;12063 ~~ x KAK; 12064 ~~ x LA; 12065 ~~ x LU; 12066 ~~ x LU + MASH2; 12067 ~~ x LUM; 12068 ~~ x NE; 12069 ~~ x PAP + PAP; 1206A ~~ x SI; 1206B ~~ x TAK4; 1206C ~~ x U2 + GIR2; 1206D ~~ x USH
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1206E DAM [2104x] = wife, spouse
cpd nam-dam [92x] = marriage [12246 NAM determined order + ~]
e2-dam [10x] = tavern [1208D e2 house + ~]
1206F DAR [402x] = to break up, crush, grind; to split, split up; to cut open | durahx(dara4)[410x] = wild goat, mountain goat | cf. 12071 below
12070 DARA3 ~ IBEX |durah(dara3)[89x] = wild goat, mountain goat | cf. 1206F
12071 DARA4 [43x] = (to be) red; (to be) brown; blood | cf. 1206F above
12072 DI (de, did) [452x] = right, justice, law, lawsuit, trial; legal decision | cpd di-kud = judge, judgement; lawsuit [ ~ + 122FB decide] | sa2 (sá) [452x] = to equal, compare, compete, be equal to, rival; [91x] to tie (shoes); [46x] advice, counsel; resolution, intelligence | salim, silim [228x] = well-being; healthy, prosperity; completeness, favourable | syll.: ti4
12073 DIB, DAB = GRASP | LU, UDU = sheep [cf 121FB]
12074 DIM [38x] = post, pillar, pole; binding, knot, bond; plant
12075 DIM x SHE / ŠE, DIM x KUR | MUN [427x] = salt; to be brackish; older ??
12076 DIM2 [2109x] = to create, make, manufacture; to replace?; to bring forth?
12077 DIN [1x UNMNG – PSD: unknown/ED IIIb/Nippur...] cf. compound suffix – chariot, vegetable
12079 DISH [5x!] = 1 (“1″ one numeric) | GEŠ2[92x] = 60 sixty;| DIŠ (gè), GIŠ2, NIGIDA
1207A DU [5868x] gin, ra2, ri6, gen (gen) = to go / come; [2789x] = to go; to flow | de6 [1794x] / tum2 [10x behind tum3 134x] = to bring / carry | GUB = stand
cpd e3 (UD-DU) [1850x] = to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise, rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent [12313 UD sun + ~]
gen-na = go [ ~ + 1223E pestle]
im-gen = went [1214E IM copula + ~]
a-ra2 [4046x] = times (with numbers, multiplication); ways; way; omen; step (math.) [12000 A progeny + ~]
1207D DU sheshig / šešis, gir5, KASH / kaš4 (kas4) [1089x] = runner, trotter, messenger; to run
1207E DUB [1183x] = (clay)tablet, document | kišib3 kishib3 [17468xxx!] = cylinder seal, sealed tablet
[PLM] Jaritz #239 "(brick/tablet) mold", and is recorded to mean "clay tablet", which is simply a "molded loaf" put to an intellectual rather than a constructional use; dub also recorded to read dubb(-)a (for *dûppâ), which would represent "molded (thing)" = "tablet/brick". Sumerian *dûp is also recorded for the meaning "heap/pile up, spread out mud to make bricks"
cf. 12229mes(meš3), kišib black hero; 1231D UM reed (stylus?) stem
dubsar [11320x] = scribe [1207E DUB tablet + 122AC SAR write] | True Etym.: English "dub" (to name; give higher standing; replace script / sound)
eduba (e2-dub) = storehouse; magazine | school (Literature of Ancient Sumer, Jeremy Black, xxiv) True Etym., edu-cation [1208D e2 house + ~]
gi-dub-ba = reed tablet stylus [12100 GI reed stem + 1207E DUB tablet + 12040 BA divide tool]
bisag-dub-ba [450x] = archivist [ 120B7 bisag basket + 1207E DUB tablet + 12040 BA divide tool]
dub-bala [31x] = to go over an account [ ~ + 12044 BAL spindle, turn]
nam-dub-sar = [16x] scribe arts / craft [12246 NAM determined order; destiny + ~]
nam-dub-sar-ra-ni = do. [+ verb aux.]
e2-dub-ba-a = scribe school [1208D e2 school, house + 1207E DUB tablet + 12040 BA allot, share + 12000 water, progeny]
12080 DUB2 [186x] = to tremble, make tremble; to push away, down; to smash, abolish
12081 DUG [3196x] dugx(BI), BI x A = (clay) pot; a unit of liquid capacity | determinative vessels &dug;
12082 DUGUD [124x] = heavy, important
12083 DUH [556x] / DU, DU, du8 [2369x] = bake, to release, loose, loosen, undo, strip off; to spread out mud to make bricks; to caulk (filler, seal) TU, DU8, GAB | GABA = breast | cf. 120EE same sign GABA = copy; equal
cpd mu-un-du8-du8 = stripped, made naked [1222C name, phallus + 12326 (KALAM = Sumer) + 120EE (/12083) du8 (GABA) x2 strip off; spread; breast; equal [NB double emphasis on strip / ravage]]
12085 DUN3, GIN2, TUN3 = cover | cpd sag-DUN3 [447x] = land recorder;du5-mu = apprentice (ES) [after 12309 dumu]
12086 DUN3 gunu | gig4(gin2) [18136x] = unit of weight, shekel (see 122BA "SHE"); a unit of area; a unit of volume | gel / kel, aga3
cpd aga3-kar2 [5x] = conqueror [ ~ + uQQ kar2 insult, blow up, light]
12088 DUN4, DUL4, ŠUDUN3, ŠUDUL3, URgunû šešig, MIRšešig = yoke | mir (mer) [347x] = north wind; north; storm
12089 DUR2 [98x] = backside rump, butt-ocks; defile, cleft[cpd suffix e.g. wooden ledger board] | cf. 121AA
cpd dur2-bi-še3 = rump [12089 backside + 12049 BI open + 12365 še3 string (cf. loincloth)]
1208A E [vowel; 399x] = to speak | perfect plural and imperfect stem of "dug"; princely | interjection marker; fear, aura
1208D E2 [13124x] = house, household; temple; station (of the moon)?; room; house-lot; estate | determinative &e2; buildings / rooms names
cpd É.GAL = palace [ ~ + 120F2 GAL big]
e-a-ni = temple [ ~ + aux a-ni: "12000 A wonder + 1224C NI timelessness"]
E2 Variants:
1208E ~ x A + HA + DA; 1208F ~ x GAR; 12090 ~ x MI;
12091 ~ x SAL; 12092 ~ x SHE; 12093 ~ x U
12094 EDIN / EDEN, bir4 = steppe, open country; back [True Etymology Dictionary: 2000 years before religio Eden myths; note also Eridu] | Subir
12095 EGIR, egir(egir, eger) [393x] = back, rear; after; estate, inheritence; again
12096 EL, SIKIL [457x] = pure | cf. 122DB SI = horn [cuneus + horny = pure]
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
12097 EN [1480x] = lord / master / rulers of (abbrev. for) Sumer | [7739x] = priest
major cpd KI-EN-GI = Sumer [121A0 KI cosmic + 12097 EN lord + 12100 GI {not gir15! see notes}] [ETCSL ex: Poem Išme-Dagan (c., line c25401.A.364]
-eb-us2-en = protection from the rulers of Sumer (your black brothers – Inana & Šukaletuda c133.233) [120F6 be he + 12141 IB oval + 12351 us2 lean on + 12097 EN rulers of Sumer]
E2 Variants:
12098 EN x GAN2 BURU14, BAR8, SULLIM | buru14, = [206x] harvest, summer
12099 EN x GAN2 tenu; 1209A EN x ME; 1209B EN +-ing EN;
1209F ERIN2, erin2(erem, eren2, erim) [2722x] = people, troops | ZALAG2; PIRIG | giš+érin = scales | érin+meš = troops, military unit | cpd gurum2 [726x] = inspection, provisions [12146 IGI eye + ~]
120A0 ESH2(EŠ ~ bà), gir15 [7x! little as used] = native, local | cf. 1222A gi6[7223x] = black ~ giving …Seems like some elites (incl those that control Wakipedia!) don"t want to emphasize = black Sumerians (are smarter because "the reed stylus is mightier than the sword", see 12100 gi) — they use instead non-Sumerian, little used (see notes), Babylonian 120A0 gir subscript number 15 no less, which is really "flour" 12365 zi3 [7223x!] which such types, incl. University of Pennsylvania"s PSD relegates / obscures in italics as
[12401]eš6 = “3″ [numeric list]
120A1 EZEN (EZEM) [1136x] = festival;walled area?? | IZIN, KEŠDA | šir3, sir3 [150x]= sing, song, epic
EZEN Variants:
120A2 ~ x A; 120A3 ~ x A + LAL; 120A4 ~ x A + LAL x LAL; 120A5 ~ x AN
120A6 EZEN x BAD, UG5, BAD3 = wall, fortification
120A7 ~ x DUN3 gunu; 120A8 ~ x DUN3 gunu gunu; 120A9 ~ x HA; 120AA ~ x HA gunu; 120AB ~ x IGI gunu; 120AC ~ x KASKAL | sud5 = purify; 120AD ~ x KASKAL sq; 120AE ~ x KU3; 120AF ~ x LA; 120B0 ~ x LAL x LAL; 120B1 ~ x LI; 120B2 ~ x LU; 120B3 ~ x U2; 120B4 ~ x UD
..120B5 GA = [4425x] suckling (cow), young | ga (ES) [1794x]= to bring / carry | gur11 = heap up | cf.120FC GA = knob, unit measurement
True Etym. – "galaxy" – "gala = milk" – 120B5 GA clearly depicts a cow; also cpd gal4-la = procreating female parts; also 120F2 GAL big, great
cpd ga-na, gana[25x]= come on! [~ + 1223E NA aux]
120B7 GA2 (ga2 / gá), mal, bisag / bisag[704x] (pisan) = basket | [208x] place [#2 behind 120FB 2500x ] | ga2 (ga2) [67x] = house | PLM: shallow dish; jaw?? [pregnant??]
GA2 Variants:
120B8 ~ x A + DA + HA; 120B9 ~ x A + HA;
120BA ~ x A + IGI; 120BB ~ x AB2 tenu + TAB
120BC GA2 x AN, | ama = [863x] mother (goddess) | [PLM: maternal love - True Etym. cf. Latin ama-re / amor] | ama-lu | AMA-AN-MUŠ3 | dagal [745x] = (to be) wide / broad; width, breadth
120BD ~ x ASH; 120BE ~ x ASH2 + GAL; 120BF ~ x BAD ; 120C0 ~ x BAR + RA; 120C1 ~ x BUR; 120C2 ~ x BUR + RA; 120C3 ~ x DA; 120C4 ~ x DI; 120C5 ~ x DIM x SHE; 120C6 ~ x DUB; 120C7 ~ x EL; 120C8 ~ x EL + LA; 120C9 ~ x EN; 120CA ~ x EN x GAN2 tenu; 120CB ~ x GAN2 tenu; 120CC ~ x GAR; 120CD ~ x GI; 120CE ~ x GI4; 120CF ~ x GI4 + A; 120D0 ~ x GIR2 + SU; 120D1 ~ x HA + LU + ESH2; 120D2 ~ x HAL; 120D3 ~ x HAL + LA; 120D4 ~ x HI + LI; 120D5 ~ x HUB2; 120D6 ~ x IGI gunu; 120D7 ~ x ISH + HU + ASH; 120D8 ~ x KAK; 120D9 ~ x KASKAL; 120DA ~ x KID; 120DB ~ x KID + LAL; 120DC ~ x KU3 + AN; 120DD ~ x LA; 120DE ~ x ME + EN; 120DF ~ x MI ; 120E0 ~ x NUN
120E1 GA2 x NUN/NUN = beam | UR3[282x]= to shut; protection
120E2 GA2 x PA, SILA4, GAZI = lamb
120E3 GA2 x SAL; 120E4 ~ x SAR
120E5 GA2 x SHE, ESAG2, = store, warehouse
120E6 GA2 x SHE + TUR; 120E7 ~ x SHID; 120E8 ~ x SUM; 120E9 ~ x TAK4; 120EA ~ x U; 120EB ~ x UD; 120EC ~ x UD + DU; 120ED ~/~
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
120EE GABA, TU, du8 = [821x] breast, chest; frontier; [proudly display] | copy; equal |[3x] a designation of sheep | cf. 12083 same sign = release; spread
cpds gaba-ri [563x] = copy; equal [ ~ + 12291 RI = lay down]
im-mi-du8 = proudly display [1214E IM wind, mood, is (copula) + 1222A MI black + 120EE (/12083) du8 (GABA); spread]
120F0 GAD (KAD) [633x] = linen, flax (plant fibre that is made into a thread and woven) cf. MURUB2
120F2 GAL [6612x] = big, great
True Etym. – "galaxy" [even if you take the 'gala = milk' line, then we have 120B5 GA (sign clearly depicting a big cow) and cpd gal4-la = procreating female parts
120F4 GALAM, SUKUD [227x] = height, altitude
120F5 GAM = down, below | gurum, gur2 [138x] = to bend, curve, wrap around; to bow; to roll up; to curb, restrain; to watch over | cpd id-gurum(id-gur2) [2026x] = ladle
120F6 GAN / KAN [12x] = bear young; child-bearing [HO.GAN!] | he2 ()[8x]= be (it / he / she) | be2 [52x #2 behind e] = perfect plural and imperfect stem of "dug"
cpdDA-GAN [2x] = totality; assembly; band [12055 DA line (esp genealogy) + ~]
-em = to be [ ~ + 1214E IM to be]
he2-gal2[300x] = plenty [ ~ + 12145 gal2 lay down]
PLM / True Etym. orig. reed jug over a waist with two legs", indicating a "reed jug being carried, "pointed-thing" = "reed" [Jaritz #271] … so can also be interpreted as "carrying/storing a basket-like/womb"; and with this interpretation reads GAN, "bear young"
From this Sumerian GAN / KAN cf. Greek kánna, "reed, cane"… Latin canna, "reed, cane, type of vessel", almost certainly the reverse process took place for the meaning "reed, cane";… the source of canna … "jug"… "pointed-thing-tool" = "(pointed, carrying) jug, amphora", seen in Greek kántharos, "drinking cup" … "jug", seen clearly in Frankish cannada, "jug" … reeds were hollow, and could be used for jugs by merely cutting off a section sealed naturally at the bottom…
cpdul4-he2[1x but 7000CT/3000plagio] = firmament, vault of the sky[12109ul4 early; terror + 120F6 he2 open]an
120F7 GAN2 / GAN2, IKU = field, unit of area | determinative &iku; surface measurement
120F8 ~ tenu | kar2 [55x] = to insult, slander | GAN2tenu- GAN2tenu, kar2- kar2 [52x] = to blow; to light up, shine; to rise
120FB GAR, NINDA [11296x] = bread, pastry, baked, food – determinative &ninda; bread / baked items | cf. less common12252 NINDA2 | gar(gar) [2505x] = place, to put, lay down; to give in place of something, replace; to posit (math.) | nig2(nig2) [1641x] = thing, possesion; something | nindan (ninda) [149x] = pole; unit of length; 12 ?? | ŠA2, | LIMMU = 4 | cf. 122E9
120FC GAR3 [31x] = knob; a unit of measurement cf 120B5young suckling
120FD GASHAN / GAŠAN = unit of area: one GAŠAN = 10 BÙRU (648000 m2) | Ugunû, BUR3gunû = lady, mistress
120FE GESHTIN / geštin(geštin) [796x] = vine; wine|GIŠ+DIN; giš.geštin
120FF ~ x KUR
[various] GE | 1230B ge14;12038 ge15, sagtak(santak);12079 ge3, sagtak4(santak4);1203A ge22, santak2;12039 ge23, santak3 = stylus cuneus; (piece of) writing, copy, exemplar, written; blow; wound | 122B9 | True Etym.: tack, small nail [sag ~ = 12295 headed (tack)]
12100 GI (ge) = [4900x] reed (stylus), [place of reeds / reed stylus => writing => knowledge => power (KI-EN-GI / Sumer – Tigris Euphrates delta ...see note)], cane, tube | gin6(gi, gen6) [924x] = (to be) permanent; to confirm, establish (in legal contexts), verify; (to be) true; a quality designation; medium quality | ke2 | determinative reed names &gi;
Many historians and anthropologists provide strong circumstantial evidence to posit that Iraq"s Ma'dan (Marshland) people share very strong links to the ancient Sumerians – the most ancient inhabitants of southern Iraq… [Waki]
Studies show that Marsh Arabs have a high concentration of Haplogroup J1[mainly North Africa] for males.
See Genetic footprints of Sumerians in Iraq Marshlands (pdf).
Also see lively discussion here.
IAE, the reed stylus did come from the Marshlands:
Major cpds
KI-EN-GI = Sumer [121A0 KI cosmic + 12097 EN lord + 12100 GI {not gir15! see notes}]
[ETCSL ex: Poem Išme-Dagan (c., line c25401.A.364]
eme-gi [23x cf ~gir15 9x] = Sumerian language[12174 EME language + 12100 GI reed / write]
gi-dub-ba = reed tablet stylus [12100 GI reed stem + 1207E DUB tablet + 12040 BA divide tool]
12103 ~ +ing GI| GILIM, gi16 = to lie across; to be entwined [together]; to entwine, twist; rope of twined reeds; to block; (to be) difficult to understand | gel / kel
cpd gi16-il = entwined (high up); foliage, forest
gel-le-eg3(ES) = (to be) bad, evil; to forsake, forget; to destroy
[ES = emisal – female Sumerian]
12104 GI4 [1485x] = to turn, return; to go around; to change status; to return (with claims in a legal case); to go back (on an agreement)
cpd im-ma-ši-in-gi4 = return leering eye [1214E IM mud, storm + 12220 MA approach + 12146 IGI watch + 12154 IN abuse + 12104 gi4 return]
gi4-gi4 = conversation (replies); jewellry; diviner (hidden knowledge)
mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 = reply, advise, to and fro, conversation [1222C MU year, dear, name, son + 1223E NA pestle + 1224C NI comes to pass + 12141 IB oval + ~ x2; ETCSL c133.231]
im-dab6-gi4-gi4 = turning round and round [1214E IM mood, (copula) 1234F dab6 go around, + 12104 gi4 x2 turn, go around, return, change status; gi4 x 2 therefore:'turn round and round' ??]
12108 GIR2, giš, gír [198x] = knife, dagger, razor, sword | = sword
12109 ~ gunu | ul4 [39x] = to hasten, (be) quick; (to be) early | ul4 [12x] = terror | át=GÍRgunû [syll.]
PLM depicts a "cocoon" => "surround" [Jaritz #11]
1210A GIR3, | giri3 (giri3) [10822x] = foot; path; via, by means of, under the authority of someone |
cpd huš (hush) [435x] = furious, angry; (to be) reddish, ruddy
1210B ~ x A + IGI; 1210C ~ x GAN2 tenu; 1210D ~ x IGI;
1210E ~ x LU + IGI; 1210F ~ x PA
12110 GISAL | gešgisal(gešgisal) [19x] = rudder, oar; a roof part
12111 GISH, GIŠ, GEŠ = tree, wood | giš.mi / gissu = shade [ giš= determinative &jic; before wooden objects]
12112 ~ +-ing ~; 12113 ~ x BAD
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
12116 GU [1850x] = cord, net; unretted flax stalks; backside
12118 GU2, TIK | gun2(gu2) / talent [5551x] = unit of weight (1 mina = 60 shekels. 1 talent = 60 mina); load; yield; rent, tax, tribute | [753x] = (river) bank; side; neck
1211B ~ x NUN; 1211C ~ x SAL + TUG2; 1211D ~ gunu
1211E GUD [17947x], gu4 = bull, ox; cattle; calf; lion | determinative &gud; cattle names
12120 GUD x KUR, AM | GU4AM = wild bull | UDUAM = wild ram
12122 GUL [518x], SUN2 = smite, break, to destroy; to break; to flatten; to carve, cut; to engrave
cf. im-gu-lu-u8-a-bi = stirred up (to destroy) [1214E IM anger + 12116 GU backside + 121FB LU stirred up + 121C7 U8 Oh! + 12000 A bemoan + 12049 BI open]
12123 GUM [18x] = to crush | cf. 12252
12124 GUM x SHE. GAZ, GAS = kill, slay
12125 GUR [27945x!] = capacity unit (c.300 litres), measuring vessel | ŠE.GUR.E ??
12126 GUR7 [14x] = harvest, summer
12128 GURUSH / guruš (guruš) [9902x] = male, young adult male; able-bodied worker | cf. 12197 powerful; rare
1212C HAL = [55x] divide, deal out, distribute; to perform an extispicy [shaman fortune readings of organs of sacrificed animals]; to open; a secret; to pour away; to sieve; to slink, crawl away; a qualification of grain .. cpd HAL-HA ~ + 12129 fish| stick; disease; crotch
1212D HI [2735x] [pron.throaty h] I (a4), TÍ (dí), I () = mix | dug3(du10) [1587x] = (to be) good, good thing, goodness, sweet | dub3 [55x] = knee | cf. hul, hulu [13901x; uQQ] = bad
cpd dug3-ga = good [ ~ + 120B5 GA suckling, carry]
dub3-nir = ejaculate [1212D dub3 knee + nir winnow]
hi(-iz)sar [18x] = vegetable [ ~ + 122AC SAR determ. garden]
HI Variants:
1212F HI x ASH2 (AŠ2) | ur5 [1215x] = interest-bearing loan; debt; requital, favour | ur5 [190x] = he; that, this same; maid, female slave; one; corresponding (to one another); like (one another) | AR3, KÍN, MUR | AR = ring | UR = thick | UR+SAG = mountain
12130 HI x BAD; 12131 ~ x DISH; 12132 ~ x GAD; 12133 ~ x KIN;
12135 HI x (SHE)ŠE | dubur = horizon
12137 HU (u), mušen = bird | determinative &mucen; after bird names | bird laying egg, see 122DB
12138 HUB2 / UB2 [3x] = foot | HUBI [7x] = acrobat | left cf 1218F KAB, GAB2, GUB3 [CVNE = compound verb nominal element]
12139 HUB2 x AN; 1213A HUB2 x HAL; 1213B HUB2 x KASKAL;
1213C HUB2 x LISH; 1213D HUB2 x UD
1213E HUL2 / UL2, hul2 [347x] = joy .. cpd šag4-hul2(ša3-hul2) [189x] = to be happy [122AE heart + ~]| ukuš2 [39x] = cucumber
1213F I (vowel) | IA = “5” [five numeric] | [5x] hey!|[PLM]The ultimate basal meaning is "set of eyes"; and from it, the prototypical "pair", which, of course, is wholly arbitrary in view of "two hands/legs, etc.". Its use for "many" is probably an extension of the idea of a naturally occurring "set", regardless of the specific number: here, "five (fingers)"…
cpd i-bi2[50x behind igi 1082x] = eye, (prob esp) carved eye (for statues)
[1240A] Í, IÁ, IA2 = 5, 300; 12140 I A
12141 IB = [108x]oval; [0x]profession
12142 IDIM = blocked, heavy, spring (underground water) ??
12145 IG [88x] door| gal2 / gal2 [3954x]= to be (there, at hand, available); to exist; to put, place [/class ?? cf. mi-iq-tum (miqtum, mi-gal2-tum) = social class], lay down; to havecf. copula |
cpdim-mi-gal2 = classified [1214E IM mood, is (copula) + 1222A MI black (high) + 12145 gal2 place, class]
12146 IGI [1133x], ŠI, LIM = eye, vision, watch, notice; carved eye (for statues) | igi [3906x] = first, earlier; front; face | True Etym.: ig-no-re / ig-no-rant (not know/see) <= ig(i) + 12261 nu no .. IGI is an awesome cuneiform design by an unknown scribe (appearing on tablets over 5000 ya), one of our eReader Top 5, and the sound / reading too, obviously would have caught the eye of plariarists down the millennia; there's also something fishy about our "I" and "eye" (sound and arrangement of letters).
gurum2 [726x] = inspection, provisions [ ~ + 1209F ERIN2 people, troops]
pad3 (reveal) cpds
pad3 [2313x] = to find, discover; to name, nominate [~ + 12292 RU fall; throw]
mu-un-pad3-da = revealed to the people [1222C MU name + 12326 UN (KALAM = Sumer) + ~ + 12055 DA writing board]
ga-ra-pad3-pad3 = like threshing grain will be revealed [120B5 GA bring + 1228F RA thresh + cpd pad3 reveal x2]
ga-mu-ni-in-pad3 = find (esp revenge) [120B5 GA carry + 1222C MU name + 1224C NI in the end + pad3 find]
nu-um-ma-ni-in-pad3-de3 = in all the lands could not find rapist (of Inana) [12261 NU not + 1231D UM approach, disease + 12220 MA land; approach + 1224C NI in time+ 12154 IN abuse, rape (rapist + pad3 find + 12248 de3 carry]
uQQ HUL, HULU [13901x] = bad, to destroy; (to be) bad-smelling, maloderous; (to be) bad, evil; (to be) slight, lightweight; (to be) false; (to be) criminal, dishonest; enemy; to raid; to strike the eyes; blinker
12147 IGI DIB | U3, Ù [6341x] = and; but; also | LIBIR = sleep, dream
cpd lu2-u3 = other; man and [121FD lu2 man / him + 12147 u3 and]
12148 IGI RI | ar [syll.]; 12149 ~/~ SHIR/SHIR UD/UD
1214A IGIgunû, SIG7 = 10000 ; [62x] class of worker; [48x] to pluck hair or wool;(to be) trimmed, pruned
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1214D IL2= [1362x] to raise, carry; (collect); [2x] worker; [0x] tax
1214E IM [680x] = clay, mud; tablet | determinative &im; made of clay | tumu, tum9 [49x] = wind | determinative &tum9; winds | [48x] rain, storm (/ steaming anger)- [weather / mood] | [73x] em = to be (is / was) copula variant cf 12228 | ni2
A curious development from EME [12174 tongue] "voice-emit" = "make a sound" is found in Jaritz #721, which depicts a "sail with rigging" [cf. harbinger for antenna, radio signal] and reads *îm(i) (for *îm(i)); it means "wind, storm-wind"; i.e. "moaning (of the wind), pars pro toto" [a part (taken) for the whole]. Strong support for this analysis is furnished by another meaning attached to this sign: "fear"; this is understandable for "moaning" but not for simply "wind" or "storm(-wind)". "Moaning" has attracted the reading ni2 [1224E] "be afraid", "fear", which represents "snivel-stative-like" = "sniveling" = "fear".
cpd im-ma-ni-in-su-ub = kissing [1214E IM storm + 12220 MA flow + 1224C NI quiver + 122E2 SU submerge, flesh + 12312 UB praise, ruin]
im-te-a-ni = himself / herself
1214F IM x TAK4 | kid7 [6x] = cut; break off; pinch off; scratch; demolish | cf. uQQ kid2= [1.] do., ~ [4.]
12151 ~ opp ~ [??1224E ni2]; 12152 ~ sq
12153 IMIN [31x] = “7″ (5+2) [seven numeric]
12154 IN [31x] = abuse, rape | gir12
cpd hazin (urudha-zi-in/ urudaha-zi-in) [128x] = axe [determ 1234F + 12129 HA fish + 12363 ZI raise + ~] See Nergal"s Axe c573.4
12155 IR, GAGgunû = plead, ask; divinate; perfume ?? | DIG = soft [6x] | cf. 1224C NI oil
12156 ISH (iš) [15x] = mountain; summer | kuš7(šuš3) [1587x]= high official, bureaucrat, civil servant
12157 KA (gù) | KAG2 [1329x] = mouth | du11, dug4 [3878x]=speak- to speak, talk, say; to order; to do, perform [cpd: 12351 + dug4 = coition]; to negotiate| gu3, kir4 | inim (enim)[1329x] = word; matter (of affairs), thing | zú / zu2 = tooth; chew | kiri = nose
cpd dug4-ga-gu10 = coition [12157 dug4 / KA = perform + 120B5 ga suckling, carry + 1222C gu10 (MU) phallus, dear, name, son, year]
zu2-kešda = compiler, organizer [12157 zu2 cutting edge + 1219F kešda bind, organize]
"...The compiler of the tablets is Enheduana. My king, something has been created that no one has created before." etcsl.orinst.ox...c4801.543
KA Variants:
12158 KA x A, nag / nag [400x]= to drink
12159 KA x AD; 1215A ~ x AD + KU3; 1215B ~ x ASH2; 1215C ~ x BAD |uš11 = poison [OB]; 1215D ~ x BALAG | šeg11 [OB]; 1215E ~ x BAR; 1215F ~ x BI;
12160 ~ x ERIN2 | syll.: mè | cf. 12128 copula, me3 = battle
12161 ~ x ESH2; 12162 ~ x GA | sub [11x #2 behind su-ub] = suck; rub; 12163 ~ x GAL
12164 KA x GAN2 tenu | PÙ / pu3 (bù) [21x] = mouth
12165 KA x GAR, GU7 [1672x] (KU2)= to eat
12166 ~ x GAR + SHA3 + A; 12167 ~ x GI; 12168 ~ x GIR2; 12169 ~ x GISH + SAR; 1216A ~ x GISH +-ing GISH; 1216B ~ x GU; 1216C ~ x GUR7; 1216D ~ x IGI
1216E KA x IM, BUN2 = thunder, thunderstorm
12170 ~ x KI; 12171 ~ x KID; 12172 ~ x LI; 12173 ~ x LU
12174 KA x ME [mouth x 12228ME to be] | EME [178x] = tongue, language [cf. True Etym. eme => phon-eme]
cpdeme-gi [23x cf ~gir15 9x] = Sumerian language [12174 EME language + 12100 GI reed / write]
12175 ~ x ME + DU; 12176 ~ x ME + GI; 12177 ~ x ME + TE;
12178 ~ x MI; 12179 ~ x MI + NUNUZ; 1217A ~ x NE
1217B KA x NUN, NUNDUM } = lip, rim | SU6 = bread
1217C ~ x PI; 1217D ~ x RU; 1217E ~ x SA; 1217F ~ x SAR; 12180 ~ x SHA; 12181 ~ x SHE; 12182 ~ x SHID; 12183 ~ x SHU; 12184 ~ x SIG; 12185 ~ x SUHUR; 12186 ~ x TAR; 12187 ~ x U; 12188 ~ x U2; 12189 ~ x UD; 1218A ~ x UMUM x PA; 1218B ~ x USH; 1218C ~ x ZI
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1218D KA2, kan4 [436x] = gate, door | cf. 1208D E2 house
1218F KAB, GAB2, GUB3, UB2 = left | cf. 12138
12190 kad2 = qqq | “other letter” ?? | cf. 120FO KAD / GAD linen, flax; 122D9 šuš2 cover
12191 kad3 sedx = qqq | “other letter” ?? |
12192 kad4 = [1x!]fish; [9x] tie | peš5(pesh5)[53x] = innards; to breathe; grandson; descendant; to give birth (to); (to be) pregnant; pregnancy; to gather; (to be) thick; (to be) wide | also uQQ peš [67x]
12193 KAD, kad5 = [10x] to tie, gather; to itch, scratch; to weave a mat | banšur3 (banshur)= table ??
12195 KAK, gag [126x] = arrowhead; peg, nail | DU, DU3 [cpd 12351 + ~ = coition], RU2 [7061x] | GAG (dù) = to build, make do, perform
cpd -kak[2x] = cuneus; triangle[12295 sag head + ~ ]
12197 KAL, kalag = [102x] (to be) strong, powerful, mighty; to reinforce; to provide for .. cpds kal-ga [2280x] ; kal-la [11x] | kal [389x] = (to be) rare, valuable | cf. 12128young male
12198 ~ x BAD; 12199 ~ +-ing ~
1219A KAM2, kám = prob. "th" e.g. 15th day… [ordinal marker; can't find in PSD et al – see waste of time below – penalty for not following most important rule of 'Scribe School'] cf. “5″ | change, desire ??
blood, semen, pus, blister and pustule A.1. diš na ta-at-ti-kám ša kàš gig |
girNin-urta-kám Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cuneiform Documents ed RH Sack:
UD. 15.KAM MU .[8].KAM
day. 15. ?? year .[8]. ??
15th day, [8th] year of
UD=day; MU = year
Therefore, all this bloody trouble just to find that
KAM2 is an ordinal marker (glyph/gloss) i.e. = "th"!!!
1219B KAM4 | zubi [6x] = watercourse, canal, irrigation
[120F8] kar2 [55x] = to insult, slander | GAN2tenu- GAN2tenu, kar2- kar2 [52x] = to blow; to light up, shine; to rise
1219C KASKAL [705x], KAS, RAŠ = way, road; journey, caravan | DANNA = mile [distance]
1219D ~ LAGAB x U/LAGAB x U; 1219E ~/~ LAGAB x U/LAGAB x U
1219F KESH2 / keš2 (kešda) [853x] = to bind; gather; organize; assemble; compile => {computer tablet 5000 years later - and kešda looks like the first computer mainframe, brought by aliens of course!}
zu2-kešda = compiler, organizer [12157 zu2 cutting edge + ~ ]
121A0 KI (gi5) [32379xxx!] = cosmic (under)world (cf ABZU) earth, land, place, ground, toward, country, lower, down below | determinative &ki; after place names |
ki-gu10-še3 = designated place [121A0 KI place + 1222C MU name, son + 12365 še3 string]
121A1 KI x BAD; 121A2 KI x U; 121A3 KI x UD
121A4 KID, lil2, ge2 (gé), ke4 = open field, steppe | gikid [509x] = (reed) mat | lil2 [92x] = wind; ghost; female demon, Lilitu / Lilith of "Bilgames (Gilgamesh) and the Netherworld"
121A5 KIN = work, procedure; sickle | GUR10 [470x] = to reap
121A6 KISAL [204x] = courtyard
121A7 KISH / KIŠ [14x] = totality, world
121A8 KISIM5 = sour milk [2x][common compound aux. cf12016 AB2 cow]
121AA KU = backside | DAB5 [8723x] = to seize, take, hold; to bind; to envelop, overwhelm; to choose (by extispicy); to accept; to take charge of | TUKUL, TUŠ = sit, seated | cf. 12089
121AC KU3, kug [1342x] = (to be) pure; [3875x] = metal, silver; (to be) bright, shiny | kug+an ~ azag = demon | kug+gi ~ guškin = gold | ~ + BABBAR = silver
cpdkug-ga-na = pure [121AC KUG pure + 120B5 suckling, carry +1223E NA man, pestle, pounder]
121AD KU4, kur9 [1489x] = to enter
[122FB] KUD, ku5 [1111x] = to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear
[12129]KU6 = (fresh) fish | ku6= determinative &ku6; after names of fish
121AF KU7 / KU7 [65x]= (to be) good; (to be ) (honey-)sweet | KUD
121B0 KUL [59x] = to run | NUMUN [1219x] = seed cf. 12044 BAL spindle
cpd šag4-bala(ša3-bal)[1016x] = procreate, to produce offspring [122AE šag4 heart + ~]
121B2 KUN [225x] = tail; canal outlet
121B3 KUR [2494x] = mountain(s), land, country; underworld; east; easterner; east wind | determinative &kur; before mountains / countries
cpd kur-kur-ra = mountains; lands [ ~ + 1228F RA aux.]
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
121B5 KUSHU2 / KUŠU2 = a paste; phlegm, mucus, sputum; foam, scum, cum; saliva, spittle; poison | creature, [12x] crab [the crabs!] [cuneus]
uQQ KUSHU / KUŠU, kuš2 [149x] = tired, troubled
121B7 LA [65x] = bending over (backside); show, display; press; hang; supervise, check | [66x] a stand
PLM bend, carry, press together, crease together, pinch [of buttocks]…practice pederasty, take advantage of a woman through anal intercourse cf. Sukaletuda"s rape of Inana L118 [Jaritz #968]; also Proto-Sumerian Halloran.
cpd lalamu | cf. 121F2 la2 | cpd gal4-la = cuneus (from behind)
121B8 LAGAB| nigin2 [214x] = encircle, go around | [116x] block, stump | GUR4 (KUR4) [133x] = thick, big, feel big | KILIB [256x] = total | LUGUD 2 = short, tight | gir8(kir3) [2x!] = to break / pinch off | cpd mu-un-nigin2-na-ta = to roam around – see MUGSAR 4-Way – Inana112a
LAGAB Variants:
121B9 LAGAB x A | SUG, AMBAR = swamp, marsh (encircled water) i.e. NÍGINxA = AMBAR | BUGIN, BUNIN
121BA ~ x A + DA + HA; 121BB ~ x A + GAR; 121BC ~ x A + LAL;
121BD ~ x AL; 121BE ~ x AN; 121BF ~ x ASH ZIDA tenu
121C0 LAGAB x BAD, GIGIR = cart
121C1 ~ x BI; 121C2 ~ x DAR; 121C3 ~ x EN; 121C4 ~ x GA; 121C5 ~ x GAR; 121C6 ~ x GUD;
121C7 ~ x GUD + GUD | u8 [4425x] = sheep, ewe; Oh!, (a soothing expression) | cpd nu-u8-gig = priestess, high status woman, goddess / Inana
121C9 ~ x HAL | engur [45x] = (cosmic) waters [cf ABZU = abyss; Ur-Engur aka Ur-Nammu / Ur-Namma / Ur-Gur]
121CA ~ x HI x NUN; 121CB ~ x IGI gunu; 121CC ~ x IM; 121CD ~ x IM + HA; 121CE ~ x IM + LU; 121CF ~ x KI; 121D0 ~ x KIN; 121D1 ~ x KU3; 121D2 ~ x KUL; 121D3 ~ x KUL + HI + A; 121D4 ~ x ~ ; 121D5 ~ x LISH; 121D6~ x LU; 121D7 ~ x LUL; 121D8 ~ x ME; 121D9 ~ x ME + EN; 121DA ~ x MUSH; 121DB ~ x NE; 121DC ~ x SHE + SUM; 121DD ~ x SHITA + GISH + ERIN2; 121DE ~ x SHITA + GISH tenu; 121DF ~ x SHU2; 121E0 ~ x SHU2 + SHU2; 121E1 ~ x SUM; 121E2 ~ x TAG; 121E3 ~ x TAK4; 121E4 ~ x TE + A + SU + NA
121E5 LAGAB x U | NÍGINxBÙR (U) = pú (pu2) [95x] = waterwell / hole, pit; depth (encircled area+hole) lower course, footing; cistern; fish pond; source (of river) | TÚL = source ?? | GÍGIR = wagon??
121E6 ~ x U + A; 121E7 ~ x U + U + U; 121E8 ~ x U2 + ASH;
121E9 ~ x UD; 121EA ~ x USH; 121EB ~ sq
cf. cpd SIPAD, sipa [2463x] = shepherd
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
121EC LAGAR [21x] = sharman, priest / priestess
121ED ~ x SHE; 121EE ~ x SHE + SUM;
121EF ~ gunu; 121F0 ~ gunu/~ gunu SHE
121F1 LAHSHU qqq | cf. 122E4 pull | lahhušu [0x] = pot ; 12263NUN | 122C3silag 0x body part
121F2 LAL, LA2 [9977x] = (to be) small, little; minus sign; (to be) insignificant, low-value; dimunition
121F4 LAM [47x] = to flourish; to make grow luxuriantly
121F5 ~ x KUR; 121F6 ~ x KUR + RU
121F7 LI / LE, gub2 [4x] = to bathe, wash; [49x] branch, twig (juniper shrub); pure
121F8 LIL [8x] = fool, idiot | lú+lil
121F9 LIMMU2[1759x] = 4 ["4" four numeric; 11x]
121FA LISH / LIŠ, DILIM2, DILI2 [28x] = spoon, balance pan, bowl
121FB LU | udu [28818xxx!] = sheep; [185x] (to be) abundant, to heap up; [130x] to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix | DIB, DAB = grasp | [cf 12073 ] | determinative &udu; sheep / goats
cpd sipad (sipa) [2463x] = shepherd [1227A PA overseer + 121FB UDU sheep]
121FC LU x BAD
121FD LU2 [12429xxx!] = man (him); ruler [alien spaceships!]; person; who(m), which; (s)he who, that which; of; | determinative &lu2; before male stuff
LU2 Variants:
121FE ~ x AL ; 121FF ~ x BAD; 12200 ~ x ESH2; 12201 ~ x ESH2 tenu;
12202 ~ x GAN2 tenu | šaga (šaga) [6x] =a wronged person; (to be) slain; (to be) afflicted, oppressed
12203 ~ x HI x BAD; 12204 ~ x IM; 12205 ~ x KAD2; 12206 ~ x KAD3; 12207 ~ x KAD3 + ASH; 12208 ~ x KI; 12209 ~ x LA + ASH; 1220A ~ x LAGAB; 1220B ~ x ME + EN; 1220C ~ x NE; 1220D ~ x NU; 1220E ~ x SI + ASH; 1220F ~ x SIK2 + BU; 12210 ~ x TUG2; 12211 ~ tenu ; 12212 ~ +-ing ~; 12213 ~ opp ~; 12214 ~ sq; 12215 ~ sheshig
12216 LU3 [18x] = to disturb, stir up; to cover completely; to mix
12217 LUGAL [24522xxx!] = king [The "King of the Earthlings" rides around in a spaceship man!]
True Etym.: 12217 LUGAL is made from 121FD LU2 man + 120F2 GAL big => big man => king (sometimes scribes reverse signs – see Foxvog) cf. Latin leg-is; and lu/ru interchangeability => rugal => English "regal", Latin regalis
LUGAL Variants:
12218 ~/~; 12219 ~ opp ~; 1221A ~ sheshig
1221B LUH, LU, LA3, SUKKAL [3469x] = secretary, civil servant, bureaucrat, official | luh [164x] = to clean, wash
1221C LUL [133x] = false, criminal | NAR = song / musician ??
1221D LUM [107x] = (to be) full, replete, satisfied (with); (to be) grown (tall); to fruit; (to be) fructified; to shine
12220 MA = [169x] (come in to) land (like bird; fly in), approach; go, flow (phallus, come), fig tree, house [?? secondary in each]
12222 MA, gunu / gunû, AŠUR / HASHHUR = apple (tree)
12223 MA2 / MA2 [5559x]= ship, boat
12224 MAH / MA [3271x] = to be great, exalted
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
12225 MAR = [13x]smear – True Etym.: mar; [8x] louse, worm, parasite; [5x] winnow
12226 MASH / maš [726x] = goat | maš [1452x] = interest (on a loan); an irrigation tax | half; LÚ+MÁŠDA = poor man | MAŠ.EN.GAG = palace dependant | MAŠD+TAB+BA = twin cf. 12047
12227 MASH2 / maš2 [10699xx] = goat; extispicy – sacrificial animal for omens | family, relative | MAŠ2+GAL = buck, billygoat
12228 ME, àm [2860x] = I am, to be (is / was) | [750x] being, divine properties enabling cosmic activity; rite; office [copula | True Etymology: cf. I am | IŠIB = 100; set, take | uQQ MEŠ / mesh = plural marker
[PLM]Jaritz #889 depicts a "short vertical line abutting a longer horizontal line at its midpoint". It means "speak, call, tongue, middle, converse". Graphic convention designed to bring out the idea of "middle", the position associated in early thinking with the placement of the tongue in the mouth. Somewhat surprisingly, this simple element has been identified for PIE as *me, "in the middle, into the middle". *me is not regarded as meaning "tongue"; that meaning has been taken by a derivation from it, eme (for *îmî) [12174] another reading of the same sign, which represents "teeth-middle" = "tongue". This compound can be found in PIE with *empi-, "mosquito", an animal that definitely deserves to be named for its tongue.
uQQ me3 [243x]= battle, combat cf. 12228 copula
12229 MES, meš3 [56x] black [Gilgamesh was black! nextdoor on list to 1222A MI / gig2 main black]; [29x] = hero; (to be) manly; young man cf. Enki and the world order c113.221, Ninurta"s exploits c162.310, Samsu-iluna & Inana c2831.15 [NB computerized transl no ordinary 'tree' more like 'hero']) | mes (gešmes, meš3) [81x]= tree| kišib (-la2) [36x] = cylinder seal, sealed tablet; kišib-rah2 .. with aux. = to seal
cf. 1231D[less vertical ge than 12229] UM reed (stylus?) stem + 4 var;
1207E DUB tablet | kišib3 [17468x] = cylinder seal, sealed tablet
cpd BIL.GA.MEŠ (Sumerian: Bilgamesh; Akkad.: Gilgamesh) black hero of oldest written epic (quest for immortality) [1224B BIL2 burnt + 120B5 GA young (bull) + 12229 mes (meš3) black hero (next on the sign list is the more common black sign 1222A MI) ; and 1207E dub able to write = power connotation)]
1222A MI [<=cun-sign | Sumerian=>] ge6, giggi (ge6), gi6, gi6, gig2 [941x] = to be black, night | ge/gi same as 12100 reed stylus => writing => knowledge => power = black | upper / high (class) cf. mi-iq-tum (miqtum, mi-al2-tum) = social class
cf. dome of night sky – cpd ul4-he2 firmament, vault of sky
[12109 terror + 120F6 boundless]
Sumerians called themselves black people ùg3-sag-gíg2-ga[12326 ùg3 people (KALAM Sumer) + 12295 sag head + 1222A gíg2 black + 120B5 ga carry / aux.]see tablet examples; not just black plebs either, the "First professors are BLACK!" um-mi-a = scholar, expert, craftsman [scholar 1231D UM reed stem (stylus/writing symbol, 1207E tablet var) + 1222AMI black + 12000 progeny]
And even Gilgamesh is black, see previous entry 12229
cpd GIG = 1222A black + 1226D beads = gig[313x] = sick, troublesome | (nugig) nu-u8-gig = [black Sumerian woman =] priestess, high status woman, goddess / Inana
1222B MIN [959x] = 2 ["2" two numeric; cf. horiz var122F00x as MIN 2, but as TAB 122F0 double, repeat, partner 740x]
1222C MU = [43667xxx!] year | mu = [2994x] name; line of text; son | MUALDIM / muhaldim[2185x] =cook | mu (ES) = phallus | gu10 = "dear one" suffix / honorific | determinative μ before words for items made of wood (Emesal)
cpdzag-mu [180x] = new year; beginning of cycle [12360 ZAG boundary + ~]
1222D MU/MU | ta / tah (dah) [274x]= to add, increase
1222E MUG [162x] = wool [pubic ?? next to MU phallus]; to hew out, hollow out; to engrave
cpdtug2-mug[179x] = a kind of garment [determ 12306 tug2 garment + ~]
1222F MUGgunu, zadim; za-dim2 [128x] = stone-cutter; bow-maker
12230 MUNSUB [5x] = hair, barber
12231 MURGU2, egir6(MURGU2)(egir6) = [10x] back, estate, inheritance | mur7 [0x] = excrement / shit
12232 MUSH (MUŠ) [192x] = snake
12233 ~ x A; 12234 ~ x KUR; 12235 ~ x ZA
12236 MUSH / MUSH (MUŠ) RI8 = snake
12237 ~/~ x A + NA; 12238 ~ +-ing MUSH
12239 MUSH3 / MUŠ3 = [107x] face, appearance; [81x] flat space, holy area; [3x] curdle | sed6 (šed12) [11x #3 behind sed4] = cold; winter .. cpdsed4(še17, šed10)[34x; ~ + 12072 well-being] |MUŠ3 INANNA, INNIN = goddess | 1202D AN+ MUŠ3 = dinana / Inana
1223A MUSH3 / MUŠ3 x A | se24, sed3, še12, šed9 = winter, hibernate, rest, be content
1223B ~ x A + DI; 1223C ~ x DI; 1223D ~gunu
1223E NA, nigna = [114x] incense (burner); man; [32x] stone; pestle, pounder
cpd ma-na / mina [9459x] = unit of weight; 1 mina = 60 shekels, 1 talent = 60 mina [3600 shekels]
1223F NA2, NU2[419x]= to lie down (of people); to lay down; to be ill;bed | NUD | cf. 12029 icon
cpd ba-na2 = 12040 BA split, open + ~
12240 NAGA, naga [2521x] = potash (potassium compound often used in agriculture); soap | NAG2, NISABA2 = tornado
cpd DINGIR.NAGA.ZAG.SAL,dnisaba za3-mi2 = Nisaba praised [ 1202D AN god + 12240 NAGA + 12360 za3 + 122A9mi2 cuneus]
12241 ~ INVERTED; 12242 ~ x SHU tenu; 12243 ~ opp ~
12244 NAGAR [666x] = carpenter
12245 NAM, nutillu | buru5 = [4x] locust
12246 NAM = [567x] determined order; will, testament; fate, destiny | bir5 [35x incl 12 ED IIIa] = locust | sin2 = district | sim = [var < 16x] smell, sniff, filter, swallow | nam-tar = destiny | nam-ra = booty, spoils, captive
cpdnam-mah = NAMMAH, earliest known mathematician, see 122B9 [ ~ + 12224 mah great]
12247 NAM2 = prefix lord / official; thought, planning ??
12248 NE, (bí / bi2) | de3 [25x] bring / carry (collect) | (še6, šeg6) [261x] = to cook; to dry a field | izi = [257x] fire (pottery), brazier | kum2 [78x] = (to be) hot | bi2 in compounds | nen, ne, ne-en, ne-e [101x] = this, these | bil [7x] = burn
NE-A = refine [ ~ + 12000 A water]
il2-i-de3 = collect firewood [1214D il2 carry + 1213F I "5" + 12248 de3 collect]
NE-SU-UB = to be on fire, kissing [ ~ + 122E2 SU submerge, flesh + 12312 UB praise, ruin]
12249 NE x A | eš13 [0x] = (to be) cold | cf. 12239 sed4cold; winter
1224B NE sheshig / šešig, BIL2 | gibil [671x] = new, renew; firewood | bil2 [43x] = burn / burnt
cpd BIL.GA.MEŠ (Sumerian: Bilgamesh [cf. Billjim!]; Akkad.: Gilgamesh) black hero of oldest written epic [1224B BIL2 burnt + 120B5 GA young (bull) + 12229 mes(meš) black hero]
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1224C NI <= cun-sign | Sumerian => Ì / i3, IÀ / ia3, I, lí /li2| (syll.: bè, lé, lí, né) i3 =[8654x] oil; butter; container for oil vegetable oil, fat | ZAL [2798x] = to pass time; to get up early; to finish, come to an end (come to pass); to dissolve, melt, disintegrate, break down, collapse; to quake; sexual aura / connotation | cpd na4 [527x] = stone; stone weight | determinative &na4; stones | cf. 12155 IR ask; perfume
1224E NI2, | ni2 [370x] = self | ni2 [322x] = fear, aura | cf. 1214E im = clay, mud; tablet; copula | TU15 = wind cf. dIŠKUR storm god
cpd ni2-bi-a = itself / themselves / all together (1224E ni2 + 12049 BI + 12000 A)
[ETCSL:ni2=self | ni2-bi=itself / themselves | ni2-gu10=myself | ni2-te-a-ni=himself / herself | ni2-zu=yourself ]
1224F NIM = [79x] fly, insect, buzz; [31x] (to be) high, elevated; (to be) early; easterner; suffix plant | , dih3[132x]= thorny weed | NIN+LAL3 = bee| NUM | KUR | ELAMKI = Elam
12250 NIM x GAN2 tenu | tum3 [144x] = bring
12252 NINDA2 = [39x] seed-funnel [cf. hand-scoop Jaritz #347 see 12258 below]; fish ??; breeding bull | INDA = [0x!] bread, food | cf. much more common 120FB NINDA [11296x]
NINDA2 Variants
12253 ~ x AN, ŠAM3 = buy, price ; 12254 ~ x ASH; 12255 ~ x ASH + ASH;
12256 ~ x GUD ; 12257 ~ x ME + GAN2 tenu
12258 NINDA2 x NE, RAM, AG2 / AG2 (ám) = darling; ag2 [88x #2 behind 120FB nig2 1542x] thing, possession; measure ??
Jaritz #362 a combination sign which, rather incongruously, depicts a ”hand-scoop" (#347) enclosing #339 [12248 NE] burning torch, signifying the "heat of passionate love" [encapsulated fire].
cpd ki-ag2(ki-ag2) [666x] = to love[121A0 KI cosmic world + 12258 ag2 heat of passionate love]
1225A NINDA2 x SHE / ŠE, ŠAM2(NINDA2x ŠE + A AN variants) = price
1225B ~ x SHE + A AN; 1225C ~ x SHE + ASH; 1225D ~ x SHE + ASH + ASH;
1225E ~ x U2 + ASH; 1225F ~ x USH
12260 NISAG, MURU2, MURUB4 [44x] = middle; cuneus | cf. 12319 murub6(muru13) ; murub2; backside, rump; knob; mouth; gate (of city or large building); space between, distance; link; hips | ITIgunû
12261 NU [785x] = not (negation: “no”, negative); without, un-; genitals; sperm; offspring | NU-GAL2 = nonexistent | NU-TIL = incomplete | True Etym. nu => no
12262 NU11 | gešnu (gešnu) [3x] = light | duri [0x] = male; to be virile
12263 NUN = [1x!] guidance (eridu) | [656x] prince; (as attribute) foremost, best | lard | NUN KI = Eridu
NUN Variants
12264 ~ LAGAR x GAR; 12265 ~ LAGAR x MASH; 12266 ~ LAGAR x SAL;
12267 ~ LAGAR x SAL/~ LAGAR x SAL; 12268 ~ LAGAR x USH; 12269 ~ tenu
1226A NUN/NUN, NIR = NIR.GAL2 = strong, powerful
1226B ~ +-ing ~; 1226C ~ +-ing ~ LAGAR/LAGAR
1226D NUNUZ [109x], ERIN2, RÍN = egg (shape), bead, pearl ??
NUNUZ (so eggs + cow 12016 / sour milk 121A8 = produce farm) Variants:
1226E ~ AB2 x ASHGAB; 1226F ~ AB2 x BI; 12270 ~ AB2 x DUG; 12271 ~ AB2 x GUD ; 12272 ~ AB2 x IGI gunu; 12273 ~ AB2 x KAD3;
12274 ~ AB2 x LA | latan (lahtan) [19x] = beer vat
12275 ~ AB2 x NE; 12276 ~ AB2 x SILA3; 12277 ~ AB2 x U2; 12278 ~ KISIM5 x BI; 12279 ~ KISIM5 x BI U
1227A PA | ugula = [9794x] foreman, overseer | bá [293x]= wing; branch, frond | gidru / gidri = [129x] sceptre | sìg = to beat | garza = office | SIG hit e.g. cpd SIG-UZU ~ TUD beat whip
1227B PAD, ŠUK /SHUK, šukur2/shukur2(šuk, šuku) = [1335x] food allocation, ration | [56x] to break (into bits); pierce
1227C PAN, tir5[63x]= bow; geometric figure {PSD} | cf bow-maker, PANA = bow, arrow
1227D PAP, KUR2 [607x] = unit of capacity based on a vessel size; PAP = [86x] relation; first and foremost, pre-eminent; father; male, virile; brother | PAB = protect | PA5 = canal | cpd DIM [13x] = to check; to approach
1227E PESH2 / PEŠ2, PIŠ2 [55x] = mouse
1227F PI (bì) [269x] tal2, | geshtu / geštu, geshtug / geštug = ear, hear, reason, intelligence, wisdom, understanding
PI Variants:
12280 ~ x A; 12281 ~ x AB; 12282 ~ x BI; 12283 ~ x BU; 12284 ~ x E; 12285 ~ x I; 12286 ~ x IB; 12287 ~ x U; 12288 ~ x U2; 12289 ~ +-ing PI
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
1228A PIRIG (PIRIG) [198x]= lion
1228B PIRIG (PIRIG) x KAL, NIB = leopard
1228C PIRIG (PIRIG) x UD, UG = tiger
1228D PIRIG (PIRIG) x ZA, AZ, AS = bear
1228F RA, rah2[597x] = to beat, kill; to break, crush; to flood; to thresh (grain with a flail) | aux. ~ -ra | see also notes on evolution [PLM (Patrick Ryan '2008)]: – wheel rim with four spokes over curled horn suggests "back" over "tall"; also "stir"; emphasizes flood
cpd im-ta-e3-a-ra = sunrise [1214E IM mood + 122EB TA much + cpd UD-DU sunrise + 12000 A bemoan + 1228F RA beat thresh]
12290 RAB, raba [37x] = clamp; neck stock; hoop ??
12291 RI = [475x]to lay down, cast, place; to set in place, imbue; to lean on; to impose; to throw down; to release, let go; to walk along; to pour out; to lead away | re [130x] = “that” | auxiliary verb, sar-ri / sar-re 122AC |distant | cf. 12137
12292 RU, shub / šub [495x] = fall, defeat; throw (boomerang)
12293 SA = braided, string, net, sinew, muscle | determinative &sa; before braided items
12294 SAG, , nutillu = head [rare, always 12295]
sag Variants:
12295 SAG, (pron. sang), SUR14 [3582x ]= head; person / people; capital
cpd /sag-ga2 = head basket [12295 sag head + 120B7 ga2 basket]
12296 ~ x A; 12297 ~ x DU; 12298 ~ x DUB; 12299 ~ x HA; 1229A ~ x KAK; 1229B ~ x KUR; 1229C ~ x LUM; 1229D ~ x MI; 1229E ~ x NUN; 1229F ~ x SAL; 122A0 ~ x SHID; 122A1 ~ x TAB; 122A2 ~ x U2; 122A3 ~ x UB; 122A4 ~ x UM; 122A5 ~ x UR; 122A6 ~ x USH; 122A7 ~/~; 122A8 ~ gunu
122A9 SAL, mug, gal4 (gala), murub (muru13), munus [3079x] = cuneus apotheosis of woman, goddess, matriarch, queen | mi2 = [13x - all ED IIIb] praise; CVNE | determinative before female names &f;
The scribes who invented writing 5000 years ago clearly had no inhibitions about the basis for the design of their cuneiform, nor should we bowdlerize [etym.: Thomas Bowdler expurgated William Shakespeare (aka Edward de Vere) '1822] for hypocritical luddites / puritans who are still happy to plagiarize the technology revolution started by the Sumerians, and it may well have been the inspiration for the whole style ~ cunei.form = cuneus writing.
Scratching and dragging a pointed stylus would not have been near as effective and enduring for us to be able to read now. And it can be no coincidence that the Sumerian apotheosis of "woman" has come down to us as the first letter of vagina.
Germaine Greer says it"s a powerful symbol – BBC Balderdash and Piffle "2007 (see Youtube; also here). Unfortunately none are aware of the very first significance bestowed by the Sumerians.
Enheduanna – earliest known author and poet was female
And not only were the first scholars black, the earliest known author and poet was female (and most likely black), Enheduanna 7715-7750CT (2285-2250 plag) … Westenholz edited a fragmentary hymn dedicated to Enheduanna indicating her apotheosis… [Wik]; she was totally lost to history until her tablets were unearthed in "1926 [Nisaba] by Leonard Woolley [born '1880 in 13 Southwold Road just around the corner from King's Place (now BSix College Brooke House - East London Hackney-Stratford where the '2012 Olympics Games were held) where Edward de Vere wrote 'Shake-speares Sonnets' - only because he was setup by another forgotten proto-feminist, 2nd wife Elizabeth Trentham]; she represented a strong and creative personality, an educated woman, and one who fulfilled diverse roles in a complex society, not unlike women"s aspirations today…[Jane Roberts]; “My goddess gave birth to your god” … Assyriologist William Hallo referred to her as “The Sumerian Shakespeare”. But given that she preceded Shakespeare by several thousand years, it might be more apt to dub the bard “The English Enheduanna” [Kristin Agudelo's notablewomen]; or “Enheduanna of Tudor Literature” [chickhistory]; ironically also lost to history is Susan de Vere, Shakespeare"s Daughter and Producer of the First Folio.
emi (e2-mi2) [219x] = queen"s household [1208D e2 house+ 122A9 mi2 cuneus]
NIN = lady, mistress [122A9 cuneus +12306garment]; e5 = princely ?? | e5, ereš
nin9 [247x] = sister[ ~ +121AAku backside]
mussa(mi2-us2-sa2) [53x] = son / daughter in-law [122A9 mi2 cuneus; praise + 12351 us2 phallus + 12072 sa2 law]
geme2 [4025x] = slave woman [~ +121B3mountains]
MURUB2 = cuneus, backside [ ~ + 121EC priestess] cf. 12319 murub6 (muru13), 12260 murub4 (muru2)
gal4-la-na = cuneus – bending over, show [122A9 gal4 cuneus + 121B7 LA bending over / rump, show + 1223E NA man, pestle, pounder] True Etym.: gala (festive dress, make merry) cf. also ?GALA-TUR young male performer [12351 us2 phallus + 121AA KU rump + 12309 TUR young]
gal4-la-na-še3 = loincloth [op. cit. + 12365 še3]
gal4-la- = cuneus (deeper sense) [122A9 gal4 cuneus + 121B7 LA bending over / backside + 120B7 house]
122AB SANGA2 / saga2 = [12x] priest
122AC SAR [377x] = to write | | sar [4917x] = garden; a unit of area; a unit of volume | SAKAR, MU2, kiri6= (fruit) plantation, orchard | determinative &sar; after garden / vegetables | šar[26x #2 behind 122B9 šar2]= 3600; totality, world; (to be) numerous
[PLM] Jaritz #281 archaic variant of SAR – knot in a cord, fasten together – write – line up characters in a fixed order
cpd dubsar [11320x] = scribe [1207E DUB tablet + 122AC SAR write]
ab-sar-re = to write [1200A AB cosmic + ~ + 12291 RE aux; that ]
cpd sar-ra-ka-ni = garden plot [122AC SAR garden + 1228F RA thresh + 12157 KA mouth + 1224C NI digest]
122AD SHA / ša = [74x]heart (variant cf. 122AE); [3x]official
uQQ šá=NÍG[syllabary; numeric??]
122AE SHA3 / ŠA3, šag4, tibula = [10808x] heart, center, interior
cpd a-sag4 [9387x]= field, surface math.
ŠA3 Variants:
122AF ~ x A; 122B0 ~ x BAD; 122B1 ~ x GISH; 122B2 ~ x NE; 122B3 ~ x SHU2; 122B4 ~ x TUR; 122B5 ~ x U; 122B6 ~ x U + A
122B7 SHA6, SAG9 [826x]= good, sweet, beautiful
122B8 SHAB6 (šab6) qqq [cf. 1219A KAM2 ; numeric??]
122B9 SHAR2 / šar2 [245x] = 3600; totality, world; (to be) numerous [True Etym.: 360° circle, inventors sexagesimal system; math table; etc.] [šar2is formed by making a circular indentation with the end of the stylus]
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
122BA SHE / ŠE | niga, nigu = [28315x!] barley, grain; unit of length / area / volume / weight; shekel | True Etymology: origin of Hebrew term for money "she-kel" re price of bushel of grain | niga [12565x] = to be fattened
“Money, like certain other essential elements in civilization, is a far more ancient institution than we were taught to believe … the oldest coin currency that we know is a Sumerian bronze piece dating from before 7000CT / 3000plagio.
On one side of the coin is a representation of a sheaf of wheat, and on the other, Ishtar, the goddess of fertility.
The Sumerians called it the “Shekel” where “She” meant wheat, “Kel” [12086] was a measurement similar to a bushel, hence this coin was a symbol of a value of one bushel of wheat. (The word “shekel” survives in modern Hebrew as Israel"s monetary unit.) The original shekel had as its purpose payment for sacred prostitution at the temple of Ishtar, which was the temple of life and death. The temple, as well as being a ritual center, was the storage place for the reserves of wheat that supported the priesthood, and also the community in lean times. So farmers fulfilled their religious and social obligations by bringing their contributions of wheat to the temple, and receiving in exchange a shekel coin, entitling them to a visit with the temple prostitutes at the festival time. All this also must be understood in its cultural context: The sacred prostitutes were representatives of the goddess, and intercourse with them was intercourse with the goddess of fertility herself, nothing to take lightly…” The Future of Money, Bernard Lietaer "1997
“…coinage was arranged according to the sexagesimal numbering system developed earlier by the Sumerians (ie 1, 60 [1x60], and 3600 [122B9 (60x60]) ….lowest denomination was a “shekel”, then a “mina” [1223E] and finally a “talent” [12118]
1 mina = 60 shekels. 1 talent = 60 mina [3600 shekels]. The mina weighted about 500 gms., and the talent about 30 kgs.
These coins were used to pay for property, buy goods and services, pay fines, pay taxes, etc.
Some examples of the use of the shekel from one of the later law codes inscribed on the cuneiform tablets:
“The price of one gur [12125] of barley is one shekel of silver".
“The price of 2 gurs of salt is one shekel of silver”.
“The price of one hal [1212C] seed is one shekel of silver”.
“The wage of a labourer is one shekel of silver and his food one ban of barley and he has to serve for this wage for one month”…
some information on the relative value of the coins and the wealth that each represented. The scribe is lauding the benevolent king for his protection of the poor. “He saw to it that … the man of one shekel did not fall a prey to the man of one mina (sixty shekels) …lowest denomination was a “shekel”, then a “mina” and finally a “talent.” One mina equaled 60 shekels. One Talent was equal to 60 mina. These coins were used to pay for property, buy goods and services, pay fines, pay taxes, etc.”
122BB SHE-HU, uz [57x] = wild duck
122BD SHE/SHE TAB /TAB GAR/GAR | garadin3 [0x] = bundle (of reeds), stack of sheaves; grain stack
122BE SHEG9 [11x] = snow; sleet; cold weather; frost, ice; burning, incineration; chills, shivers
122BF SHEN, ALAL ??, PÌSAN, DUR10, ŠEN [107x]= bucket, cauldron
122C0 SHESH / ŠEŠ [1579x] = brother; junior worker, assistant |urin(uri3, uru3) [56x] = standard | cpd ~ + 12015 URIM = (standard of) Ur | cf. 12336
122C1 SHESH2 / šeš2,še8, = [54x] to weep | annoint ??
122C2 SHESHLAM / šešlamqqq | cf. šešlam2 [UNMNG]
122C3 SHID / ŠID, ŠIT / SHIT! ŠITI, LAG | sagga [1862x] (sanga, sangu, saga8) = an official, the chief administrator of a temple household | (nesag2) [661x] = first-fruit offering; a storage place | šid [292x] = count(ing); number; half (shares); to count [calculate] | silag [0x] = body part
122C6 SHIM / šim [819x] = beer, beer malt – cf. 12049 kaš [13889x] | [35x] type of basin | ŠEM, LUNGA = scent (aromatic substance)
ŠIM Variants
122C7 ~ x A; 122C8 ~ x BAL; 122C9 ~ x BULUG | šembulug3 [OB resin; tree]; 122CA ~ x DIN
122CB ~ x GAR, bappir [64x #3 behind 1204Bbappir3 ] = an ingredient in beer-making, spice
122CD ~ x IGI gunu | šembi [38x] = eye makeup, kohl; antimony paste; to anoint, smear on
122CE ~ x KUSHU2; 122CF ~ x LUL; 122D0 ~ x MUG; 122D1 ~ x SAL
122D2 SHINIG / šinig = [28x] tamarisk(small shrub with needle-shaped leaves) | cf 12240
122D3 SHIR / ŠIR, NU11, SIR4 = [13x] testicle; bulb
122D6 SHITA / šita [17x] = priest; ~ figurine
122D7 SHU / ŠU [2785x] = hand | ŠU+GIR = ring
cpd šu-nigin2 [18294x] = sum, total [ ~ + 121B8 LAGAB encircle]
šu-kal-le-tud-da = Šukaletuda (PN) [122D7 ŠU hand + 12197 KAL mighty + 121F7 LE branch + 12305 TU small, priest + 12055 DA line]
122D9 SHU2 (šu2) | šuš2 [281x] = to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; to sink down; to cloud over; surface; to raise (clothes)
122DA SHUBUR / ŠUBUR, ŠA, ŠA2 [1117x] = pig | determinative &cah2; pigs
cf uQQ šul[shul; 305x]= (to be) manly; youth; young man
122DB SI = [401x] to fill, load up; to draw water; to brew beer |[262x]horn | finger; fret
cpd bi2-ib-si-si = fill [12248 bi2 carry + 12141 IB oval + 122DB SI fill]
im-mi-ib2-si-si = draw / fill (water from well) [1214E IM storm, anger + 1222A MI black + 12308 ib2 cross-beam (of well) + 122DB SI x2 fill]
u5 = high water [12137mušen bird + ~ ]
[PLM]a combination, the top element… "sitting bird", "egg-like" = "bird" (but also possibly "brood")
122DD SIG [343x] = (to be) weak; (to be) low; (to be) thin; (to be) narrow
122DE SIG4, šeg12 [572x] = clay / mud brick | MURGU [363x] = shoulder, back
[PLM]sig(a)4, "(dried) brick", depicts "three bricks/tiles forming a zig-zag pattern":
122E0 SIK2, SIG2, SIKI [4753x] = wool, fleece; hair; (animal"s) pelt [*cf. True Etym. siki => silk]
122E1 SILA3 [43696x!!!] = a unit of capacity (= 1 litre, Oxford Handbook Cuneiform p64); a vessel
122E2 SU, KUŠ [3818x] = skin, hide, leather, fur; person; [54x] submerge, skin games; [495x] flesh, body, to be inside, entrails | determinative &kuc; before words for items made of leather
uQQ SU4, SI4 [184x] = to be red, brown
122E4 SUD, ŠUD / shud [488x] = (to be) distant; (to be) remote, long-lasting; (to be) profound | SIR, BUgunû = pull; spread; sail; run
122E6 SUHUR [3x] = to trim or comb the hair |head hair | cf. munsub2
122E7 SUM, ŠUM2, SI3 = give [True Etymology: 'sum' (total, add up); Greek 'sigma'] | sig10 (si) [836x] = to cast; to fashion
cpd im-ma-ni-sig10 = to cast (an eye) [1214E IM mud, storm + 12220 MA approach + 1224C NI finish + 122E7 cast]
122E8 SUMASH / sumaš | sumašku6 [49x] = an oceanic fish
122E9 SUR [82x] = to squeeze, press; to flash; to drip; to rain; to milk – cpd geš3+sur = phallus + squeeze / milk = urinate | [82x] = half | cf. 120FB bread; thing
122EA SUR9 = [plectrum, musical??]
122EB TA (dá) [85x] = what? | as much as (math./ quantity), from [preposition]
122EC TA = asterisk [= star = TAra] cf. 1202D
122ED TA x HI, LAL3 [241x]= syrup, honey
122F0 TAB, MIN [0x!] = 2 ["2" / two numeric] | TAB [740x] = to double; to repeat; companion, partner, friend | cf. more used 1222B[959x] | True Etym.: tab (key); tabulate
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
122F3 TAG [266x] = to touch, take hold of; to bind – True Etym.: tag, touch (tuku); to attack | šum [63x] = slaughter | TUKU5 [151x] = beat, strike of cloth; to weave | TIBIR [26x] = hand | ZIL2 = good, beneficent
122F4 ~ x BI;122F5 ~ x GUD;122F6 ~ x SHE;122F7 ~ x SHU;
122FA TAK4, (da13) [667x] = to set aside, leave behind; to save, keep back, hold back
122FB TAR = [237x] to cut down; to untie, loosen; to scatter, disperse | sila [238x] = street | kud, ku5 [1111x] = to break off, deduct; to separate, cut off; to cut; to incise; to decide; to make clear | disease
122FC TE = cheek; to pierce, penetarate (sexually), [31x] membrane | cpd im-ma-te = approach, landing [1214E IM wind + 12220 flow + 122FC TE approach, land cf. 12312 UB as in kiss]
cpd (im/) ni2-te-a-ni = penetrate; inspect [inspected
1214E IM storm + 122FC TE cheek; penetrate; membrane + 12000 A cry of woe + 1224C NI quiver]
122FD TE gunu = cf. cheek, pierce
122FE TI, TIL3 [770x] = life,to live; to sit (down); to dwell |UZUTI = rib
12300 TIL [627x] = (to be) complete(d); (to be) old, long-lasting; to end | ÚŠ, EŠE3~AŠ.U | sumun = sun, old | cf. BAD 12041
12301 TIR [404x] = forest, wood; mud
12302 ~ x TAK4 ; 12303 ~/~; 12304 ~/~ GAD/GAD GAR/GAR
12305 TU = priest [1x!] | sheep [4x!] | [16x] small | TU+TURMUŠEN = little dove
12306 TUG, TUG2 [5078x] = textile,garment (TU9, dul5; [379x] bar-dul5) | usually as determinative &tug2; garments | eš2 | še3, = towards | gi7, gir15, zi3, zid2 | azlag2 = fuller (cleans thickens woven cloth)| TUG2, TU9, NAM2 | cf.12247 | True Etym.: Roman toga
cpd tug2dara4= (Inana"s) loinclth, sash, G-String, belt [~ + 12071 dara4 = red, brown, blood]
12307 TUK, tuku = powerful able-bodied (cpd a2-tuku); proud | TUG = anger
12308 TUM, (du4) | ib2[36x] = hips; middle | ib2[35x] = (to be) angry; to curse | tum [19x] cross-beam| cf. mi-iq-tum (miqtum, mi-gal2-tum) social class
12309 TUR | DUMU [28245xxx!] = child, son; apprentice | TUR [1719x] (to be) small; to reduce, diminish; to subtract; (to be) young
cpd dumu-munus [660x] = daughter [ ~ + 122A9 MUNUS cuneus]
lu2-tur [35x] = son [121FD lu2 hot rod + ~ ]
1230B U (vowel, basic cuneus); “10“; BUR3 = hole | U7 = curse, bewitch | 121E5 NÍGINxU) = PÚ = well (encircled area+hole) | šu4 [24x] = totality, world | burudx(U)(bur3, buru3)[49x] = breach, hole; depression, low-lying area, depth; to perforate / penetrate; (to be) deep | šu4 = anus | šuš2 (šu4)[74x #2 behind 122D9 šu2] = to cover, to spread over; to envelop, overwhelm; covering; to sink down; to cloud over; surface; to raise | bur3 [54x #2 behind 12053 BUR 67x]= a unit of area; a unit of volume | ge14 = stylus cuneus | [winkelhaken = angle hook]
[PLM]means "hole", and reads both u, "(oral) cavity", and hu3 "anus ("anal sphincter" or "anal cavity")". This is supported by another reading of this same sign: *šu4 (for *šü4), "excrement-palm", the left hand being used mandatorily for the hygiene of unclean bodily functions. It is, to this day, a serious insult to offer a MidEasterner the left hand as a greeting because of the traditional use of the left hand.
1230C U-GUD, ul [161x] = (to be) distant (in time); distant time
cpd (nigul) -ul (nig2-ul) [33x] = an everlasting possession [ = "MUGSAR Benefactor whose family has been assigned a sign, cpd or section forever!"; asset; eternity, immortality; cf. etym. god | 120FB thing, possession + 1230C ul distant time]
1230D U+U+U | ESH / EŠ = 30 (numeric) | UŠU3 | SIN = moon
1230F U/U SUR/SUR |garadin9 = sheaf, bundle (of reeds)
12311 U2 [4129x] = plant(s); food; bread, loaf; grass; herb; pasture; firewood |determinative &u2; plants
[12147] ù / u3 [6340x] = and; but; also
12312 UB = [78x] corner| ar2 = [56x] praise, fame; [11x] ruin
12313 udud / u4 [29106xxx!] = sun,day,time / “Once, …”; summer, heat, fever | UTU | TAM, ZALAG, ZIMBIR (~UD.KIB.NUN) è (~UD.DU), ZABAR UD BABBAR |
babbar = white, shining | zabar = bronze | determinative &zabar; bronze | ÀH = dried, withered
cpde3 (UD-DU) [1850x]= to leave, to go out; to thread, hang on a string; to remove, take away; to bring out; to enter; to bring in; to raise (sunrise), rear (a child); to sow; to rave; to winnow; to measure (grain) roughly (with a stick); to rent [~ + 1207A DU]
ud-ba = day (open, halved, noon?, Later?) [~ + 12040 BA]
UD Variants:
12314 UD KUSH U2 | u [syl.] weathervane ??; 12315 UD x BAD ; 12316 UD x MI
12317 UD x U + U + U | ITI (UD×EŠ) itud, itid [2145x cf 36175x ??] = moon, month
12319 UD gunu (murub6) (muru13)[446x] = cuneus, rear – see 12260 murub4
1231A UD sheshig (šešig), itudx, ITI | UD x EŠ ITI2 ~ ITI x BAD = month[0x!]
1231C UDUG = a demon (of desert, mountain, sea, tomb); ~ figurine ??
1231D UM = [34x] reed (stylus? writing / black hero comes next to wheel UMBIN!), stem of
cf. 1207E DUB tablet; 12229mes(meš3), kišib black hero
It"s not just the Sumerians calling themselves black, the first professors are BLACK!um-mi-a = scholar, expert, craftsman [scholar 1231D UM reed stem (stylus/writing symbol, 1207E tablet var) + 1222AMI black + 12000 progeny]
1231E ~ x LAGAB; 1231F ~ x ME + DA; 12320 ~ x SHA3; 12321 ~ x U
Invention of the Wheel
12322 UMBIN = wheel | cf. 1232B UR2 (lynchpin), 122FA TAK4, = hold back (the King"s fancy hub caps)
Major Lemma | *QF* | TOC | top
12323 UMUM, SIMUG [396x] = metalworker, smith [cf. True Etym. simug => smith] | umun2 [16x] = knowledge; workshop
12324~ x KASKAL | DE2 [702x] = to pour, to winnow
12326 UN | ug3(ug3, un) = [704x] people, KALAM= The Land (of Sumer)
cpd ùg sag =Black Sumerians
12328 UR = dog; ecstatic [cf. city of UR] | cpd NIG ~ MUG + UR = bitch
12329 UR +-ing UR; 1232A UR sheshig
1232B UR2 = phallus, loin limb, root, base
UR2 Variants
1232C ~ x A + HA; 1232D ~ x A + NA ; 1232E ~ x AL; 1232F ~ x HA; 12330 ~ x NUN; 12331 ~ x U2; 12332 ~ x U2 + ASH; 12333 ~ x U2 + BI
12334 UR4 [612x]= to pluck; to gather, collect; to harvest
12335 URI, BUR/BUR = [17x] vessel; 12335 uri-ke = Agade / Akkad [ ~ + 121A4 KE4 open field]
12336 URI3 qqq | cf. 122C0 ŠEŠ [in cpd Ur / UMIN] = brother, assistant | cf. 120E3 ur14 [UNMNG]
12337 URU, IRI [2070x] RÍ (ri2), U19 = Civilization = Black Sumerian city-dwellers
cpd dari [100x] = eternal [12055 da (line, writing board) + 12337 ri2 (civilization)]
URU Variants:
1233A URU x BAR, ukkin / unkin = [69x] assembly
1233B ~ x DUN; 1233C ~ x GA; 1233D ~ x GAL; 1233E ~ x GAN2 tenu; 1233F ~ x GAR; 12340 ~ x GU; 12341 ~ x HA; 12342 ~ x IGI; 12343 ~ x IM; 12344 ~ x ISH; 12345 ~ x KI; 12346 ~ x LUM;
12347 ~ x MIN | ulu3, lu7 | cpds lu2-ulu3= human [121FD lu2 man + ~] | namlulu = [117x] humanity [12246 NAM destiny + op. cit.]
12348 ~ x PA; 12349 ~ x SHE; 1234A ~ x SIG4; 1234B ~ x TU; 1234C ~ x U + GUD; 1234D ~ x UD
1234E URU x URUDA, banshur / banšur = [256x] table
1234F URUDA, urud [992x] = copper | dab6 = [30x] go around | determinative &urud; copper / bronze
12350 URUDA x U, TABIRA = copper
12351 USH, UŠ, nita, nita = [2267x] man, male, phallus | / geš3 (giš3) / gesh = phallus | [312x] unit of length | us2 (uš) [9695x] = to accompany / follow / adjacent; (to be) of a lesser quality; to drag; to stretch; a qualification of grain; to thresh (grain) by treading; to coagulate? | us2 [4087x] = side, edge; path | us2[109x]= to lean on, impose; to check | determinative &m; before male names
[PLM] The Sumerian sign (Jaritz #424), depicts a "penis or phallus with scrotum, issuing a liquid". Its main reading is uš (for *ûš), which means "cohabit, impregnate, stud-animal", and "penis (as "ejaculator")', representing "surround-excrete" = "ejaculate while cohabiting". The Sumerian word can be found in PIE (Proto-Indo-European): *wes-, "dampen, wet, male animal", and *wegw-, "damp, sprinkle".
geš3-dug4[46x] = coition [~ + 12157dug4 perform]
geš3-du3 (/KAK) = coition [ ~ + 12195 du3 perform]
geš3-zig (12363) = erection [ ~ + 12363zig rise]
mu-USH (mu-uš) = 60 variant; erection??
geš3-sur = urinate [ ~ + 122E9 sur squeeze / milk]
IM-MA-NI-IN-KA/dug4 = coition [1214E IM storm + 12220 MA flow + 1224C NI quiver + 12154 IN = abuse, rape + 12157 dug4 / KA = perform, coition]
12352 ~ x A; 12353 ~ x KU; 12354 ~ x KUR; 12355 ~ x TAK4
12356 USHX qqq | cf. 12230 hair
12357 USH2 / uš2 = [3556x] to die; to be dead; to kill; death | [50x] = blood; gore | [2x] = dead / dry reed (stylus) | ug7 [259x] = plural and imperfect singular stem of uš (to die) | cf. 12041 BAD remote
12358 USHUM = serpent | cf. USHUM.GAL = dragon (big serpent)
12359 UTUKI = prob. honorific suffix | 3 signs: 12300 TIL = complete, end; sun + 12155 IR = ask, divinate + ?? ; could be a link to 12232 MUŠ = snake| cf. Marduk is derived from the Sumerian Amar-utu(ki) (see 1202B ) “the heifer [young cow?] of the sun-spirit”
1235A UZ3, uzud(ud5, uz3)[3299x]= (female) goat
1235C UZU [274x] = flesh cf. SIG+UZU hit + flesh = TUD to beat / whip | determinative &uzu; body parts
1235D ZA, LIMMU5 [11x] = 4 ["4" four numeric; cf. more used 121F9 limmu2[1759x] | NIGIDA LIMMU, DIŠ/DIŠ+DIŠ/DIŠ | ZA = [113x] man; [43x] bead, gem; [113x] CVVE | cpd ZA-E = you [~ + 1208A E interjection]
1235E ZA tenu | ad4 [5x] = crippled
12360 ZAG, ZA3 [902x] = side; arm; shoulder; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right
cpd zag-bi = boundary open – endless [12360 ZAG boundary + 12049 BI open]
12362 ZE2 = you; live | zi2 [157x] = cut | cf. give | la (lalamu) [66x] = lust, backside
12363 ZI, ZID | zig3 (zi) [8574x] = to issue; to levy, raise, muster; to expend; to swell / rise (have an erection) /geš3+zig | zid (zi) = [1475x]right; to be right, true, loyal, faithful | [815x] life, to breathe, self | syll.: sé, sí, ze, zi, | ZI+GA = insurgency, attack
12365 ZI3, zid2, the real ESH2 / eš2 (eše2) še3 [7223x] = flour | [62x] rope, string [G-string - loincloth], thong (leather strip) | PSD as italic perhaps to distinguish from 120A0 (see note) native
cpd i3-ne-eš2 [ETCSL] = now Akk. Inanna [1224C NI time passes + 12248 NE fire; this + 12365 eš2 string (loincloth)]
12366 ZIB = [16x] a mark; token; colour, paint
12369 ZIZ2 [2856x] = wheat, work team
1236A ZU [964x] = to know; learn
cpds ABZU = abyss [1200A AB cosmic sea + 1236A ZU know]
nu-mu-un-zu-a = not know [(in all of Sumer) 12261 NU not + 1222C MU name + 12326 UN (KALAM / Sumer) + 1236A ZU know + 12000 A bemoan]
1236B ZU5 = doctor | cf. a-zu [81x]; a-zu5 [11x; 12000 A water + ~]
1236D ZUBUR [UNMNG] | cf. 12367
1236E ZUM [37x] = revolve [on what!] | haš4 (hash4) = lower body, abdomen; thigh
A | Major Lemma | *QF* | Contents | Top