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Amundesham — J. Amundesham. Annales Monasterii St'Albani, 1421-1440, ed. H. Т. Riley, v. I. L., 1870.

CCR, II - Calendar of the Close Rolls. Henry VI. 1429—1435, L., 1933.

CPR. I - Calendar of the Patent Rolls, Henry VI. 1422-1429. Norwich. 1901.

CPR. II - Calendar of the Patenl Rolls. Henry, VI. 1429- 1436, L., 1908.

Cleopatra — Cleopatra С IV. "Cronicles of London", ed. С. L., Kingsford. Oxf., 1905.

Davies - An English Chronicle of the Reign of Richard II, Henry IV. Henry V and Henry VI written before the year 1471, ed. J. S. Davies L., 1856

Grafton - Grafton's Chronicle, or History of England, ed H. Ellis. v. I, L., 1809.

GrChr - The Great Chronicle of London. Ed. by. A. N. Thomas and D. Tornley L., 1938.

Julius - Julius В. H. "Chronicles of London", ed C. I. Kingsford, Oxf. 1905.

PO - Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privj Council of England, ed. H. Nicolas, v. III, L., 1834.

RP — Rotuli Parliauientorum, v. IV, L., 1774.

SR — The Statutes of the Realm, v. II, L., 1816.

J. Stow, Annales. — J. Stow. Annales of England, L., 1601.

Three Chronicles — Three Fifteenth-Century Chronicles, ed. J. Gairdner, L., 1880.

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